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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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> my little brother's having trouble with bullies

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I don't think it is illegal....You've heard people say that their hands are "lethal weapons" (like Nick Cage in Con Air *L*).

I don't think the use of Martial Arts is illegal, but I think if you ever beat someone up and you were the agressor, it could be argued in court that you had the use of a "weapon" when you attacked/assaulted the person.

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I'm in 9th grade, in my school, I have never seen that happen, I hear about it at other schools, but mine is really cool. Does your brother have a lot of friends to back him up or anything?

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I have seen this happen before. Sounds more like a gang thing. The Itailain gane at my school (no bash italians here, this gang is really bad) does that exact same thing at the bus stops at my school. Before you mess around with anyone make sure they aren't in a gang o you could end up screwing more people then just your brother.

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I am not saying to kill the kid with self defense. Part of the training is to know how much to use and when. It sounds like he is probably a smart kid who knows when to stop.

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I've never heard of an 11th grade with bullies. Just know that times have changed since alot of you were in school. It's not often that you get into a fight with someone one day, and you can be best friends the next.

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i had some trouble with bullies alls i did is made freinds with big like football kids who are like monsterous one kid took a swing at me i hit him back needless to say i got suspended but later all the bigger kids kicked the shit outta him

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LetsGoWings is right, get him to join a team. A closer knit one too (hockey, football...nothign with to many people like track or baseball or anything) and they can stick up for him.

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