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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth CNT

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My favorite stick is still the original stealth. Picked one up last week from sport chek for 100. The CNT's aren't bad but I don't like how the feel of the concave kind of digs into your hand a little.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

HAHAHA. You read too many stick ads kid, have you used a cnt? Have you used the new sticks? No, by the sounds of it not. Ive been looking for a stick like the cnt forever, there far better then anything else on the market. I currently have a huge stash and im always looking for more, sportcheck had a bunch so i picked up a huge amount.

$5 says he tries to sue you for that :lol:

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

HAHAHA. You read too many stick ads kid, have you used a cnt? Have you used the new sticks? No, by the sounds of it not. Ive been looking for a stick like the cnt forever, there far better then anything else on the market. I currently have a huge stash and im always looking for more, sportcheck had a bunch so i picked up a huge amount.

$5 says he tries to sue you for that :lol:

Haha, very funny B) Despite my age, I guess I'm just a big, overgrown "kid" after all! And I bet we agree on at least one thing, the CNT shoots, on wrist and snap shots, as well as anything. My only problem was that the puck feel seemed kind of "tinny." Even still, I would like to grab more of them. If you come across any in lefty, non grip, below 6 lie, please send me a message...

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Does anyone know of a place in the U.S. that has CNT's in stock and will ship them? I'm also wondering what current retail sticks stack up most closely to the performance of the CNT. I've tried a couple S17's and I'm not all that impressed.

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Does anyone know of a place in the U.S. that has CNT's in stock and will ship them? I'm also wondering what current retail sticks stack up most closely to the performance of the CNT. I've tried a couple S17's and I'm not all that impressed.

S19, One95.

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They are good sticks but won't match up exactly to top sticks today. They are however very durable.

HAHAHA. You read too many stick ads kid, have you used a cnt? Have you used the new sticks? No, by the sounds of it not. Ive been looking for a stick like the cnt forever, there far better then anything else on the market. I currently have a huge stash and im always looking for more, sportcheck had a bunch so i picked up a huge amount.

$5 says he tries to sue you for that :lol:

Haha, very funny B) Despite my age, I guess I'm just a big, overgrown "kid" after all! And I bet we agree on at least one thing, the CNT shoots, on wrist and snap shots, as well as anything. My only problem was that the puck feel seemed kind of "tinny." Even still, I would like to grab more of them. If you come across any in lefty, non grip, below 6 lie, please send me a message...

The irony is i have a few new drury left handed 100 flex sticks laying around untaped and uncut..

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