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Goalie cut jersey vs. player

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How are goalie cut jerseys different than player jerseys?

I assume that they're really wide and roomy without the arms being that much longer?

Is that what it is?


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Each companies jersey is going to be a bit different, but they are very large with wide arms normally.

Thanks, I'm wondering about the arm length.

The reason why I'm asking, is that I have a really tall player (6'7") on my team and have been wondering if he'd better off with a XXL than a goalie cut jersey.

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Each companies jersey is going to be a bit different, but they are very large with wide arms normally.

Thanks, I'm wondering about the arm length.

The reason why I'm asking, is that I have a really tall player (6'7") on my team and have been wondering if he'd better off with a XXL than a goalie cut jersey.

You already have your answer, so I am just giving you another confirmation that it woud definitely be a no-no. Many goalie cut jerseys actually have even shorter arms than larger player jerseys. And he'll be swimming in it on the arms because of how wide they are. I tried wearing one while I was playing out because I forgot my player jersey. I looked very silly... LOL

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Ask him which he prefers. I'd much rather have the roominess of some goalie cut jerseys than something too tight.

So secretly on the ice, you like to look like a flying squirrel? :P

Hey, some adults prefer junior shafts. ;)

I hate being the fat guy in the too-small jersey. The fat jokes are too easy without that working against me, too!

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depends on the brand and which line of jerseys it is. The CCM non pro goalie cuts have huge arms but length is short. the Rebok p[latnium jar a hair tighter but baggy as well, the SP and AK goalie cuts are actually quite nice and full length sleevs , they are baggie but not like Reebok and CCM

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