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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Awesome things about your current league/program/pick up game

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cant forget my hometown team as well... we started out together as 19 year olds, having a blast in every tournament (didnt matter whether we won or lost, as long as we played together).

Over the years, most have become dads, drinking buddies... great times.

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I think we'll be out when our next season starts tomorrow but for the past 2 summers we've had the high school lockerroom of the rink we play at. It used to be a junior room so it's got stalls set up and its own shower. Add a few tv's (there's cable in the room), a few college fridges and the fact that we don't have to lug our gear for 4 months and it was a pretty sweet deal.

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I play where the FL panthers practice. They recently built a 3rd rink and a training facility there for them. This opened up their old locker room and training area. You can rent it out for your adult league team, but the rent is something obscene my team captain told me. Would be nice to never have to pack and lug your equipment every game, and use the hot tub.

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Creating new friendships outside of the couples from my wifes work.

A place to go and a passion / activity that is all my own.

The parity and competitiveness in the league, and the general good will between the teams and players.

couldnt have said it better.

the organization of our team manager, although sometimes a little "too passionate" is definitely a nice touch. he arranges parties, new jerseys (edge gamewear and socks), beverages, music, practices... everything. the only thing he hasnt wrangled yet is a sponsor.

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