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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Thoughts on CCM 501 pro pants?

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I'm in the market for some pro stock pants, and saw these on thehockeyshop.com. They look like a great deal, but I wanted to see if anyone has experience with this model before I buy. How do these compare with the 520 series? Any major differences? How are these different from the Tackla 9000's?

Any and all thoughts / comments are greatly appreciated.

CCM Pro Return Pants

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I bought a pair of the RBK NCAA pants (which thehockeyshop used to sell) from sniper_23 on this forum, wore them last night for the first time and they're amazing. Everyone seems to have said they're tanks, but I found they were still very mobile coming from Mission Fuel 110s which are noted to be mobile. I believe the major difference between these and the ones I have is the belt system. Aside from that I believe they are pretty similar.

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Thanks for the review! Very helpful. One of the main reasons why I posted the question is that I could not find any info on the CCM/RBK 501 model using Google / forum search. I've read good things about the 520 series, so I would like to think these are similar. I did call up The Hockey Shop to ask for more info about the pant, and they mentioned they came from the the pro's and not the NCAA, hence maybe the difference in model number?

Anyways, unless I see differences of opinion in the next few replies, I think I'm going to take the plunge.

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did you every buy these?

If so what size did you get? I am wondering if I can fit into the Small or not. I take a 32" to 34" in regular pants and currently wear M in bauer pants.

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I'm also looking at these; does anyone have any reviews? I'm mainly interested in how they fit as I'm between a small and medium in Easton pants.

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I did end up buying the pants, and have been extremely happy. Great protection, certainly a serious upgrade from my 652 tacks. They took a few weeks to break in, but once they did, they became very comfortable. Only downside is that they don't have zippers, but not a major problem for me.

I have a 33/34 waist, but am 6'6", so I got a large +2. I have to tighten the belts quit a bit, but it is the right fit for me. I didn't try on any other sizes, so I can't comment on how a medium or small would fit.

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