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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 9k shell

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Hey guys I've been looking for a Reebok 9k pant shell to replace mine. It's worn out completely and would like to stay with the same style. I've written reebok but have not received a response yet. I'm looking for a black med. Any Idea's, local hockey shop doesn't deal with Reebok either.

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might look at modifying a warrior pant shell. cant think of the name now, but they have one that has extra material up over the kidneys. I believe it was either on icewarehouse or hockeymonkey.

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might look at modifying a warrior pant shell. cant think of the name now, but they have one that has extra material up over the kidneys. I believe it was either on icewarehouse or hockeymonkey.

I called up a local shop here last year looking for a 9k shell, they said I had to contact RBK myself where I was told they wouldn't be able to ship me one for 6 months due to demand. But, they certainly do sell them seperately

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Thanks guys, I'll look into that warrior shell. I've gone through this shell way to fast, but I guess that's what happens when your on the ice 4 to 6 times a week. RBK really needs to consider offering the shell for purchase in an easier way. Thanks for the help!

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Good I was hoping you could pick up just a shell, I bought a pair of pants from the Sabres and only have the Sabres color shell, which, doesnt quite match my kings layout :lol:

What size is your shell, would you be interested in selling it to me?

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