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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Seasonal change to blade hollow

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I just went to a sligthly more shallow hollow, and it kind of works for me, but I think it may be because I'm in So. Cal. and the weather is still fairly hot, and I think the ice is less hard as a result. I'm wondering if anyone changes their hollow depending on the season; a summer hollow and a hollow for the rest of the year. I think if the ice I skate on was harder, I'd have to go deeper on my hollow.

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It depends in how fast the weather changes here. If it suddenly goes from 90 to 40in a week or two, as it does from time to time in the spring and fall, I will change my hollow. If the change is gradual, I usually leave the same hollow. I'll also make changes for extremes in weather be it 100+ or -10 for a week straight.

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My hollow varies greatly depending not only on weather conditions but which rink I'm skating in. In fact, the rink might have more to do with my hollow choice than the weather. I skate on anywhere between 7/8's and 1 3/8's over the course of the year.

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It depends in how fast the weather changes here. If it suddenly goes from 90 to 40in a week or two, as it does from time to time in the spring and fall, I will change my hollow. If the change is gradual, I usually leave the same hollow. I'll also make changes for extremes in weather be it 100+ or -10 for a week straight.

Good advice.

I use a 3/8 during winter, and a 1/2 during summer. You should be adapting to the hardness of the ice, it's important to keep yourself skating well.

Same here, I'm around 1/2 during winter and 5/8ths during summer.

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our EQM knows every rink that we play in, hes been the EQM on this team for at least 10 years. I like having my skates done before every game, and I'll tell him, you know the ice better than I do, if its hard, go for 3/8 and if its softer stay ariund 1/4. not so much the sharpness that i like, but the fact that they feel fine and not need to worry about pulling out a sweet stick in the second period. Im not sure what he does with them, but i have no complaints so he's doing it right.

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My hollow varies greatly depending not only on weather conditions but which rink I'm skating in. In fact, the rink might have more to do with my hollow choice than the weather. I skate on anywhere between 7/8's and 1 3/8's over the course of the year.

Wow. Those are some shallow hollows. Is the ice that soft or have you mastered the art of skating on a virtually flat blade?

I'm a 5/8th guy myself.

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