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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Online Jobs

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Has anyone every worked an online job? like everyone else I get spam once in a while inviting me to check it out and after doing some basic research a few of them look fairly legit, any experience?

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Older lady on my beer league team works as an online tutor. She loves being able to work from home. I also have a deaf friend that worked with other deaf kids online in a specialized learning program.

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There are legit things you can do online, as a rule I probably wouldn't trust spam. But there are quite a few jobs out there that can be now be done at home because of the internet, and a lot of companies are jumping at the chance. Reduces office space overhead, and this whole telecommuting thing goes hand in hand with the ever popular green movement so two birds with a single stone.

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The one I keep seeing is called google. Of course it says in about size 2 font that they are not affiliated with google.com in any way.

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My uncle actually got a job scoring SAT tests for high school kids. Just does it online anytime he wants, he gets paid per test. Doesn't make him rich but he doesn't have to work 9-5 like the rest of us.

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There are legit ones out there, but I've noticed with the economy the way it is, there are tons of scams. Be weary of emails without a company name asking for personal info.

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some guy's friends were telling me at the rink that he does the whole never see it and ship stuff. he sells industrial window blinds for corporate offices and he is now driving a beamer and works for like 3 hours a day out of his home.

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some guy's friends were telling me at the rink that he does the whole never see it and ship stuff. he sells industrial window blinds for corporate offices and he is now driving a beamer and works for like 3 hours a day out of his home.

ahhh, the american dream.

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