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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A Good Trade?

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I had a pair of Easton C12's and the tongues were falling apart. Asked you all about getting them repaired and got some good answers, but I had a friend pull a few strings for me and Easton actually agreed to take a look at them.

I was told they were going to replace them, and got a brand new pair of Stealth 999's today. I live in Canada, and the Stealth 999's don't show up on their website, so I was wondering if I got a good pair as a replacement???

Anyone who knows the comparable model on their website, this would be helpful too....

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Easton replaced the skates with a higher up the line model than your C-12's. I'd personally say you got a great deal and a much better pair of skates. As shotty said these are middle of the line Stealth skates which are a big step up from what you had. Someone at Easton is doing some great customer relations work and should be commended for getting Easton products great public exposure. Well done.

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I have always had great customer service from Easton, they replaced my synergy 1200's for 1500's, they have gave my warranty replacements on broken composite blades, even though blades aren't suppose to be warrantied. And everything was very speedy.

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