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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Glove Repairs

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed or not or if it's even true but, I heard today that if you have warrior gloves you can send them back to the factory to get them repalmed and whatnot. Is this possible, if so how do I go about doing it

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Funny you mention this.

I need My palms redone, too. I called their Customer Service number a few days ago and as helpful as they were ? They told me that they'd swap out the palms if it was within 30 days of purchase. It's kinda been more than 30 days and I don't know anyone who has ever gone through a palm within 30 days but any more clarification on this would also be helpful from anyone else. As it stands? This is the only answer I was able to dig up for myself.

- Have you considered using Peaches Pro Repair?

I'm going to be using him within the next 2 weeks if warrior won't do mine. Plus, I'm looking for micro-nash with a digital overlay and peaches seems to be the only that has offered to do this.

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I have the Warrior Franchise.

Speaking for Calishark also, since I've skated with him a handful of times, I believe he also has the franchise.

My palms haven't been chewed through just yet. They're still in tact but you can tell that the micro-nash palm won't hold up 3 months from now. I play frequently. 4-5 times Monday through Friday. Average about once per day of the 5 day week - and once or twice on the weekend. I've had my franchise for a good 4 or 5 months now. They're real durable. The palm is still GOOD but not great. Plus Like I said, I've been looking for a micro-nash palm with a digital overlay. That's another reason I'm getting my palms switched out early. I found someone to do this :-)

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Xtra's right I have the warrior franchise, and my left palm is going so I'm trying to figure out what's up with the warrior repairs, i'll give them a call tomorrow and figure it out

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I got a pair of Warrior Royales for Christmas last year. after about 2 months the right hand palm developed 2 small pin holes. I called their customer service and they sent me an RMA and replaced the gloves free of charge. Did not have my receipt but they accepted a bank statement showing the purchase at Peranis.

He had me submit a claim online and about an hour later I got an approval email with the shipping instructions.

Now if your gloves are older than that Im not sure what they can do. They were very friendly on the phone, just call and ask.

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I'm not sure if this has been discussed or not or if it's even true but, I heard today that if you have warrior gloves you can send them back to the factory to get them repalmed and whatnot. Is this possible, if so how do I go about doing it

Can not repalm at the Factory in Montreal (Franchise and AK27Pro models).

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off topic of glove repairs, but to echo warrior's customer service. i recently sent in a stick. got the details worked out with them and the person i spoke with was awsome.

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