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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates and ankle problems...

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Hey guys/gals...

A few years ago (Dec 2005), I puchased some Kor skates from Chadd and I have to say I fell in love with them off the bat. I've never had a skate fit so well and feel so comfortable and I really enjoyed them.

Unfortunately, during the past year or two in particular, I have taken some very hard shots off the ankle, mainly around the ankle bone area (if that is the right term). One shot two years ago caused ligament damage and while I did the PT and really rested it, I still feel the tendonitis acting up at times. Took another shot two months ago which again is still hurting whenever I put on the skate. What surprised me is that I thought this would be the least of my worries with a strong composite skate. But I found that these shots are brutal on my feet/ankles. Perhaps because the padding inside the skate is very thin? Or that since the skate is so hard the impact directs through the skate easier. I have no idea. But it has come to the point where I can not wear these on the ice without being in pain.

So I am in the market for new skates at this time. I've wanted Bauer 95's when I was through with the Kors, but I assume I would have similar issues with the composite skate. Unless the padding is a little thicker? I have actually rollerbladed some in the past two weeks in missions that have very thick padding and the pain is almost non-existant. So perhaps that helps direct me right there.

What would your suggestions be for skates, if I still want something with ultra support and a stiff shell?

Thanks for your advice and help

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It sounds silly, but you could do an inline to ice conversion if you have trouble finding something.

Out of curiosity, which mission inlines were you skating in?

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haha the "ankle bone area" (each part that sticks out) is called the malleolus (malleoli for both)...

i broke both in one foot, and am in one95's... both malleoli are particularly sensitive to impacts, the medial (inner) more so that the lateral, but the one95s have been absolute tanks in my experience.

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Hey Dark- The rollerblades are Mission RTx's- probably 2002 or so. Quite old.

Thanks, Puck it. The malleoli are the sensitive areas now and that is causing the problem in these skates. Happy to hear about your experience in the 95's, especially with your history.

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Hey Dark- The rollerblades are Mission RTx's- probably 2002 or so. Quite old.

Cool. If you were in something like the old 'Boss', I dont think you would have much luck finding something that stiff unless you went custom and asked for stifness+++.

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i will also add that i generally move my foot out of the way if i can, now. hahaha

Haha, I hear ya. I actually ordered some ankle guards that go around the skate which will work fairly well. Not as large as I hoped, but at least in terms of the malleolus, no further damage should be done if I wear them.

I understand, Dark. Those Missions were awesome rollerblades and lasted a hell of a long time. Soon I will be in the market for those as well. But for now, the ice skates are more important.

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i will also add that i generally move my foot out of the way if i can, now. hahaha

I used to do that with my S500s, but I actually started kicking at pucks with my Kors. Switching back to Missions has been painful at times.

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It's crazy how we have had such opposite reactions, Chadd. I had purefly's for two years and if I remember correctly, the liner was blue and right on the "malleolus" area there was a yellow section that was a much deeper pocket of liner and padding and it gave that area more comfort and perhaps even protection as it seemed to dampen shots that hit me on the ankles. I never remembered getting injured in those things, even though the skate itself was much less stiff and mostly leather (I believe). My mission rollerblades are much of the same and as I said they do not hurt right now, unlike the Kor's.

I have found the Kor's to be the best skate I have had when my feet were nice and healthy, but if you have anything wrong with them I would have to say they would be the most unforgiving, IMO. I'll have to check out my shop and see some other choices feel firsthand.

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I've had good protection from both my Kor Shift 1 skates, and now my One75's. Perhaps your foot injury has changed the shape of your foot, with some enlargement around the injured area from scarring. Have you tried baking the Kor's again?

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Another option, as stated above, would be to look into these:

Ankle Guard

Got them after the last incident and they look and feel great. Should be no future problems. But if I have one complaint, they should have been a little more generous with the coverage. thanks for the heads up and link.

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