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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sticks That Shoot Well On All Types Of Shots...

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People ask so often how well a stick shoots and it's sometimes difficult to give a complete answer because most sticks shoot one-dimensionally, e.g. are good at wrist/snap but not slap/one-timers. So, I'm hoping this thread will help out some people.

Sticks that primarily shoot well only at wristers/snappers: s17, 10/8k, vapor 40

Sticks that primarily shoot well on slap shots/one-timers: one95, 8.0.8 (not sure!)

Sticks that shoot well on both: U+ (CL and regular), R8, SE, CNT

Anybody wanna help with some I've forgotten?

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People ask so often how well a stick shoots and it's sometimes difficult to give a complete answer because most sticks shoot one-dimensionally, e.g. are good at wrist/snap but not slap/one-timers. So, I'm hoping this thread will help out some people.

Sticks that primarily shoot well only at wristers/snappers: s17, 10/8k, vapor 40, rm9/rm19

Sticks that primarily shoot well on slap shots/one-timers: one95, 8.0.8 (not sure!)

Sticks that shoot well on both: U+ (CL and regular), R8, SE, CNT, X60

Anybody wanna help with some I've forgotten?

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My experience:

Wrist/snap: Mission M/L, Synergy, XN10

Slap/OT: Supreme/One, Mission Fuel, Z-Bubble

Both: Dolomite, Vapor

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This subject is based on ones shooting technique and there isn't any magical stick for everybody. Everyone is different, I thought we've been over this already....

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My experience has nothing to do with the stick but everything to do with the flex and curve.

... and the ability of the player.

Yea, sorry. I kind of assumed people would understand that.

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