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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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big ben

Switching Skates Again

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I guess I'm kind of a skate whore, I wore Bauer growing up, went to Tacks for about a year, wasn't happy, then switch backed to Bauer, didn't like the fit, bought some Mission 100 Ag's from a member on here and despite the fact they were WAAAYYY too small I have never skated better than I did in those skates. Then I sold the Missions because there was no way I'd ever get them to fit comfortably and within my frustration I decided to go back to Bauer and picked up some XXIIs I think they are, not the XXXX but the mid range Vapors. Anyway I have found some Mission 120 AGs in my size on clearance for $199.99 and thinking about pulling the trigger on them.

Anyone else have these kind of skate woes? I'm concerned about buying the Missions because although I love their design and fit mission hockey is no longer and I won't be able to get them when this pair kicks the bucket. So do I just settle for the Bauers I have now?

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Haha.. Big Ben... you should have read about my skate search...

Lets try about 8 pairs of skates in the last 3 years? Mid to top level skates.... bauer, graf, mission, ccm, RBK, Torspos, Kors... list goes on, and I'm omitting some skates that I've bought, tried on, but never skated on because they dont fit. The LHS here basically just has low lever Bauers and Missions. Anything above that and you would have to put a deposit on to purchase while they order it in.

I've been using my Torspos for some time, mainly because they fit me best and dont give me as many problems as the rest. You might want to consider contacting them directly as they are getting rid of their stocks... lets just say that they are really dirt cheap.

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No I've never discussed skates with them. The previous Missions were just the wrong size and my toes were too crammed.

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If you want to make the drive to the metroplex from College Station there are plenty of shops that can help you up here.

Player's Bench Valley Ranch. (Brand new store, experience people though. Ask for Bob Pulley) (He will put you in the right skate and not try to sell you top level)

Honestly that's the main shop I go to and it's a 35 minute drive for me.

Perani's in Euless has a large selection but the staff is kind of clueless and will try to sell you big.

Player's bench in Richardson is also a really solid shop.

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Flat feet, absolutely no arch, front of my foot is wide but not wide enough to warrant and E width skate, rear is narrow.

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Flat feet, absolutely no arch, front of my foot is wide but not wide enough to warrant and E width skate, rear is narrow.

Have you tried on any of the new Vapors or Flexlites? Or CCM Vectors?

Mission most likely will not fit you if you're foot is like that IMO

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Flat feet, absolutely no arch, front of my foot is wide but not wide enough to warrant and E width skate, rear is narrow.

Your foot sounds like mine, except i have somewhat of an arch. I would try Reeboks or Flexlites in a D width.

I'm using converted 5K's for roller. The forefoot of the skate is fine width wise, but i need a good 10-15 pumps to get my heel locked, which I've been told is too many. Depending on exactly how wide your heel is they may fit you alright though.

I'm using Flexlites for ice hockey. They fit perfectly. Nice and wide up front but a normal width heel.

I wore Bauers growing up too, but then last year my feet just began to get wider. Easton's didn't fit right, neither did CCM's. I tried a Vapor XXV in an EE width but it just didn't feel right. I don't have any experience with Graf. My local Pure Hockey only cares one or two models and their both $500+, waaay out of my budget lolol.

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Have you thought of just buying a couple pairs of Missions? Especially at these prices!

I grew up doing a lot of roller hockey, and missions were always what I picked because they didn't make my feet hurt. When I moved to ice I was always looking for that type of fit again, and never found it.

Now that I'm back on ice, I was happy to see Mission had ice skates, and I love, love my new AG's and the way they fit.

Since they are all being blown out, and dirt cheap, I'm thinking of picking up another pair. I'm a 1-2x a week skater, and by the time I go through 2 pairs (hopefully 5+ years) I should be ready to experiment a little more with some other brands.

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Mission was bought out by Bauer. From the sounds of it, they are not the right fit for his feet anyways. I'm getting the impression he's ever had a pair that fit him properly

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I probably haven't, I'm no professional or anything for that matter by any means but I'd be willing to pay good money for a pair of skates that didn't hurt my feet and I was completely comfortable with spending 2+ hours on the ice in them. The vapors hurt my "arch area" on the bottom of my feet the first 10 mins or so on the ice, then I re lace them, adjusting here and there and then its fine.

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I have a high arch, so just about any skate causes my feet to hurt after awhile, so I invested in an $80 set of Graf custom heat moldable insoles. Best $80 I ever spent, but the $25-30 SuperFeet or Graf insoles will do the job too

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