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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XV shaft shape

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When I was at the rink earier, they had an older Bauer Vapor XV tapered shaft there. It felt really nice in my hands, and it said it was double concave. Has anyone handled one of these that can compare it to the Vapor XXXX or new X60 shaft shape? I'm looking into getting a new X60 shaft and I'm hoping it has the same sort of shape/feel. I should've just bought it when I was there...

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I purchased an X60 shaft and blade last week. The shaft was nice and responsive. Unloaded nicely. It seems to have a slight concave feel but nothing dramatic. Overall the shaft is nice.

The blade on the other hand was VERY disappointing. Terrible feel, almost like a low end blade. It also made the setup very blade heavy which is much different than my last tapered two piece set up (Christian Torchlite, Easton blade).

The shaft is OK, avoid the X60 blade if you are considering one.

Both of them hit Craigslist this weekend and I'm purchasing a new one piece when it sells.

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I purchased an X60 shaft and blade last week. The shaft was nice and responsive. Unloaded nicely. It seems to have a slight concave feel but nothing dramatic. Overall the shaft is nice.

The blade on the other hand was VERY disappointing. Terrible feel, almost like a low end blade. It also made the setup very blade heavy which is much different than my last tapered two piece set up (Christian Torchlite, Easton blade).

The shaft is OK, avoid the X60 blade if you are considering one.

Both of them hit Craigslist this weekend and I'm purchasing a new one piece when it sells.

I think all Bauer sticks/shafts are concave...

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XV tapered shaft also had rounded corners. Not as much as a Cyclone or one of JR's Flyweights, but more than most other shafts.

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