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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tape and Lie

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I just got an alpha nemesis (what an awesome stick! :D) but they had only smyths, which had a higher lie than i prefer. Anyway, i have a problem taking tape off the vybe insert, as the glue residue does not seem to want to come, is there anything i can do to solve this problem?

okay, i know that if the tape has been wearing around the heel, i should get a flatter lie, the only problem is, i've been doing alot of skating drills and whatnot so the stick has been dragging on the heel, is that okay or should i try to find a stick that wears evenly no matter what i'm doing?

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Well when you stickhandle your whole blade should be touching, so it should ware evenly if you have the correct lie. the only thing that screws this up for me is when iam just skating my heel is always on the ice and nothing else. As for you situation, if the tape is comming off of your heels more then usual then i think that means the stick is too long for the lie you are using, you could probably just shorten the stick, that would be the easiest thing... or adjust your whole hockey stance....

Chadd would be able to give you a better reply, I just say what I hear, and i often mix things up.

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If the heel is rubbing on the ice either the length or lie is wrong. The lie on the Smyth was about 5.25 if I remember correctly. If te stick is the length you prefer, look into finding a lower lie. Tape it up and use it to shoot for a few minutes and see what the wear looks like. I usually see some signs of wear after a few slappers.

As for the tape sticking to the insert, it happened to me from time to time, I just put new tape right over whatever bits were left on the blade. If you have some spare time, just pick it off.

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it seems that when i shoot, the tape wears evenly (except for the toe where it rockers up) but the tape never wears evenly during a game situation. can i just attribute it to the way i hold the stick when i skate?

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it seems that when i shoot, the tape wears evenly (except for the toe where it rockers up) but the tape never wears evenly during a game situation. can i just attribute it to the way i hold the stick when i skate?

Sounds possible. I can't imagine changing my posture that much though.

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it seems that when i shoot, the tape wears evenly (except for the toe where it rockers up) but the tape never wears evenly during a game situation.  can i just attribute it to the way i hold the stick when i skate?

Sounds possible. I can't imagine changing my posture that much though.

Actually, it makes sense. When you're skating with only your top hand on the stick then usually it is only the heel that is in contact with the ice.

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on the black beauty website, it says the correct lie is one where the blade is completely flat when you're holding the stick with on hand, but how do you stick handle or receive passes that are close to your feet with such a flat lie?

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