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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates too wide?

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I recently started playing hockey, and my coach noticed that my feet slide around in my skates too much. When I first lace them up they're fine, but after the first period it really affects my skating. He suggested doubling up on some of the eyelets when I lace them, which I plan to do.

My skates are RBK 5ks, which may be too wide for my feet. :/

So I'm wondering if there is anything I can do to make the skates fit better. I really can't afford to replace them at this point. I've had them baked once, will baking them again help with this?


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From a place online. I wanted to buy from my LHS, but they didn't have my size in a model I could afford.

I hadn't realized that this was the problem until my coach brought it up. I've only been playing/skating for a month or so.

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Yes, I got fitted at my LHS; they put me in a RBK that cost five times the ones I bought online. They fit me perfectly length-wise, but my feet move around in them width wise. I can still skate, but this hampers me a little.

I seriously cannot afford to get different, better fitting skates, which is what I would prefer.

I'm asking if there is anything I can do to make the skates that I bought fit better.

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Thicker or double socks but that is a short term fix only. Baking some skates might help them better if the heel is loose but that's it.

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Yes, I got fitted at my LHS; they put me in a RBK that cost five times the ones I bought online. They fit me perfectly length-wise, but my feet move around in them width wise. I can still skate, but this hampers me a little.

I seriously cannot afford to get different, better fitting skates, which is what I would prefer.

I'm asking if there is anything I can do to make the skates that I bought fit better.

Well, it is obvious that the top end model did not fit you properly. Were there any other cheaper options at the LHS?

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Unfortunately there is little you can do to fix a bad fit. You can try doubling up in your socks but that may lead to some rubbing causing you to get blisters. If you're finding your skates to get loose after the first period, you might want to try getting wax laces as they 'usually' allow for a tighter hold since there is less slippage.

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+1 on thicker/double socks.

You can change your lacing pattern so that it stays tighter for longer. There are also lacing styles that will pull the boot in different directions e.g. Saw tooth lacing

"Lace the shoe so that the angled sections point towards whichever corner of the shoe feels loose. When the laces are tightened, the angled sections will pull that corner inwards, altering the fit. Naturally, the left and right shoes should be laced in reverse (mirror image) in order to balance both the look and the effect on both sides."


There are some other ways to lace on that site, have a play and see if you can find something (or a combination) that works for you. It is not optimal, but until you get more funds for skates that fit properly it may help a little

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Double socks, double eyelets, try and get waxed laces, pump them as much as you can without damaging them. You will still have problems with the skates if you do all of these things but they might help a tiny bit.

Double socks, double eyelets, try and get waxed laces, pump them as much as you can without damaging them. You will still have problems with the skates if you do all of these things but they might help a tiny bit.

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