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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Massacre at Ft. Hood

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Seems to be a Jessica Lynch part deux situation


Nothing they can't clear up, it's not hard to figure out with rounds came from which gun. I'm assuming they keep records of this as they removed the bullets, but I have no way of knowing for sure.

Amazing how this is getting covered, the media is tripping all over themselves to suppress any notion this was an Islamic extremist, never mind that:

-he shouted "Allahu Akbar" (the "God is great" jihadist battle cry) as he shot up a room of American soldiers

-gave an hour-long disquisition on what he called the Koranic view of military service, jihad and war. It included an allegedly authoritative elaboration of the punishments visited upon nonbelievers -- consignment to hell, decapitation, having hot oil poured down your throat during his Grand Rounds

-was in communication with a notorious Yemen-based jihad propagandist.

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I'd say the death penalty is an easy way out. I'd like him to be in Leavenworth in the general population and see what happens to him there. I don't think the guards would be in any rush to help him out if there was an "altercation".

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