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Sticks like TPS R8 Lite SE

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Hey guys,

I've been using these sticks for more than a year now and i get lots of zip on my wristers and snappers....

Im looking for something similar because i cant seem to find these anywhere.

I also have a 10k, which i like, but not nearly as much as the TPS

I also have an AK27 shaft with an AK27 blade, but that too cannot compare to my TPS.

Im looking for a similar stick, something lightweight. TPS is 425 g

also is the R8 a tapered stick?

i dont mind a shaft and blade combo either.

ive never used such a good stick in my life and now its GONE!!! Help!

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Yeah, Monkey is the only online retailer that sells the SE right now.

What pattern are you looking for? A shop here in town has 3 remaining in stock, but all 3 are RH, Frolov, Regular Flex.

If you need me to pick you one up, PM me. I don't mind.

EDIT: Yes, the R8 is a tapered stick.

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Which actually got me thinking...

For SubliMC or anyone else in the know...

Are the batch of TPS sticks being sold at Monkey the 'new' TPS line, manufactured by Sherwood, or is still the same stuff leftover?

The reason I ask is the R6 has a new, subtly tweaked, graphics package.

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Which actually got me thinking...

For SubliMC or anyone else in the know...

Are the batch of TPS sticks being sold at Monkey the 'new' TPS line, manufactured by Sherwood, or is still the same stuff leftover?

The reason I ask is the R6 has a new, subtly tweaked, graphics package.

Yeah i saw them on Monkey, but ive been with big time duty fees before, i live in Canada.

halfmoon thanks a lot for the offer..im leftie :( and i do use the frolov pattern

any suggestions on something comparable? was thinking of maybe a dolomite shaft with a spyne blade?

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after reading the reviews on the X:60, im gonna stay away because of early breakage reports...

plus the shaft is a rounded shaft, as opposed to square in the R8

and the search continuesss.....

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Zinger - I'm going to be stopping by that shop tomorrow. I didn't even think about what they have in lefty in the R8SE, because I always look at the righty rack!! :D

If they do have lefties, I'll shoot you a PM tomorrow with pics after I get back.

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The TPS R8 has easily been the best stick I've used so far. In the past 6 months I've gone through 2 supreme one95's, 2 X60's, an Ak-27, and a hossa pro stock which I believe was a mission TI dressed like a vapor XXXX. I currently have an SE16 (which I can't stand) and a synergy elite. Two months ago I ordered 2 pro stock TPS R8's which I found in a 95 flex (perfect flex!) that were Mark Bell's pro pattern.

I was instantly amazed with how light they were, and how smooth they loaded. I love these sticks! Only problem is, the first one snapped at the fuse point after 3 weeks. The second one is on its last leg. It's cracked at the heel, and has a hairline crack at the fuse point.

I wish I would of ordered 10 of these things when I had the chance. It is the PERFECT stick IMO. Now, I can't find any with a comparable flex/lie/pattern and pretty soon, there will be none left at all. =(

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The new line of sher-woods are significantly more 'boxy' than the last line of TPS response sticks. I'm a huge fan as well of all things TPS and was very sad when I heard that the line was bought out and scrapped. Torpso is similar, made by the same people in the same factory, but I can't find them anywhere in the USA, and they're very expensive ($250 euros).

From what I can make out, all of the newer mainstream sticks have a slightly different feel than the TPS line. Different shaft geometry (no 'deep concave'), and I can't find a coffey/afinogenov clone in any other brand. It's a shame.

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The new line of sher-woods are significantly more 'boxy' than the last line of TPS response sticks. I'm a huge fan as well of all things TPS and was very sad when I heard that the line was bought out and scrapped. Torpso is similar, made by the same people in the same factory, but I can't find them anywhere in the USA, and they're very expensive ($250 euros).

From what I can make out, all of the newer mainstream sticks have a slightly different feel than the TPS line. Different shaft geometry (no 'deep concave'), and I can't find a coffey/afinogenov clone in any other brand. It's a shame.

It's not exact, but have you tried the CCM Thornton?

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It's not exact, but have you tried the CCM Thornton?

No I haven't but I do like the koho Jagr C21. I used to use Koho crossovers for roller. Most likely I'm gonna go with the reebok datsyuk on my 2-piece, and grab an r10 afinoginov from the monkey if they're still around when I have the money to spare. I'm also waiting for Base to start offering shaft geometry options with their customs, but that's a little off topic.

I've yet to find a stick that's anything like the r8 or r6, I've even got a thread asking what former TPS users are using now, and everyone's answer is different.

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I've gone through multiple R8s and I love em. Hockeymonkey has the most in stock last time I checked. They have the base R8s as well as the SE and LE (silver and gold) models. 5holehockey.com also has some R8s. I bought one from them last year and I'm pretty sure they still have a couple in stock.

If you're in to pro stocks prostockhockeygear.com has a Kotalik, Borrelli, Prochazka, and Trew R8s.

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Which actually got me thinking...

For SubliMC or anyone else in the know...

Are the batch of TPS sticks being sold at Monkey the 'new' TPS line, manufactured by Sherwood, or is still the same stuff leftover?

The reason I ask is the R6 has a new, subtly tweaked, graphics package.

Did you end up finding out if they were pre or post buyout? I have a few of the post-buyouts and I'm not a big fan.

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