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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MyBauer Sticks

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The tactile option on the MyBauer sticks covers everywhere though if I'm not mistaken, not just the corners.

they have both now since its not the Nike ID anymore. Bumpys on the edges or all over are options.

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Maybe, but it seems to take some of the shine off the "custom" aspect of the program if you're stuck ordering from more or less a set of retail curves and after that, just picking colors and names. I don't know how much a mold costs, and maybe the returns indicated that nobody cared about the other patterns, but it seems half-done.

Too bad. I really want that P72, but I think the X:60 sounds like it would suit me a lot better than the One95.

I would go with the stick that offers the curve you want and not the one that uses marketing to differentiate the sticks.

At the end of the day, I always pick my sticks based on the curve and flex. What I meant was that I would be a lot happier if I could get the P72 on an X:60 than I would be if I had to get it on a One95.

Unless, of course, you mean to imply that the difference between the X:60 and the One95 is just marketing - in which case, do tell.

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Maybe, but it seems to take some of the shine off the "custom" aspect of the program if you're stuck ordering from more or less a set of retail curves and after that, just picking colors and names. I don't know how much a mold costs, and maybe the returns indicated that nobody cared about the other patterns, but it seems half-done.

Too bad. I really want that P72, but I think the X:60 sounds like it would suit me a lot better than the One95.

I would go with the stick that offers the curve you want and not the one that uses marketing to differentiate the sticks.

At the end of the day, I always pick my sticks based on the curve and flex. What I meant was that I would be a lot happier if I could get the P72 on an X:60 than I would be if I had to get it on a One95.

Unless, of course, you mean to imply that the difference between the X:60 and the One95 is just marketing - in which case, do tell.

No, I believe the sticks are different and perform differently. I just think that the way they characterize the sticks is overly simplistic. Then again, they do a great job of selling them as different products.

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fairly certain what chadd is trying to say, which i will back up is that if you REALLY want that curve, and the only reason your not getting it because its a One95 not the x60, dont let that stop you. I love the ID program becasue I like tactile, 87, p91 not p91a, and why not add your own colors and name? So ive had 10 sticks through it, and my 3 new x60's actually just got shipped today. I have had XXXX, one95, and now waiting on the x60, the one95 worked just as well as the xxxx, and im sure the x60 will likely follow suit and not be that much different. Do as you please, but I wouldnt let it being a one95 not a x60 change your mind.

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Other than some Lindros One90s, I haven't used many Bauer/NBH sticks other than an Aaron Ward and Samsonov. I don't get all the grip variants but if anyone knows what the grip detail was on the Samsonov, I'm getting that.

Not to go completely OT here, but what where the Aaron Ward pro-stocks like??? I saw TSR had some 122-flex, which was really intriguing to me! The shallow depth and toe curve turned me off (I like deep heel curves; Lidstrom/P106 style), but the 122-flex had me thinking about it...

Pretty nice. The flex was the best part for me and the curve was intriguing enough to test it out. It was like a straighter version of the old Inno Murray, which was an awesome pattern.


Yup, one of those. I liked the tackiness of it but I may go with the stick'um and corner tactile option. Still haven't heard anything definite of what gets donated on the breast cancer stick, so I'll just go with a regular option.

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Just a heads up Mack; If the Stick'um on the MyBauer sticks correlates to the retail versions, the X60's is closer to what was on the Samsonov pro stocks. From the sticks I've held the One95 retail Stick'um is grippy, but not quite as tacky as what you'd get on the X60. Neither will be as tacky as the Samsonov's were, but you'll be closer with the X60.

Then again, if they don't apply the same coatings as the retail versions or you're not that picky, it won't really matter.

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I don't mind if it's not as tacky. If nothing else, I can rub some tape on it if need be. I just wish my LHS didn't suck balls because I fear they're going to jack the price up somehow.

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