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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shafts / Blades - Too much choice?

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Anyone else think there is too much choice out there for shafts blades etc?

I mean, i guess a wide range is not a bad thing, but for a guy like me who has to buy online and relys on others reviews...it's really hard trying to identfy a decent shaft / blade set up.

The minute i find a decent shaft, another couple of reviews say that it broke on the first game. Then i find good reviews for a dureble blade, then someone else says its too heavy.

Potentially this is a rant, but i was wondering what others felt on the subject?



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If you were to try and compare all that's out, possibly, but there really isn't much of a difference (imo) to matter that much. Plus I just stick with what seems/feels familiar and go with that. The "ooh I'll try that" part of me has been gone for some time now.

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I've only ever tried wood sticks, and have already come up with my own summary based on the many i've gone through:

- Easton woodies are weak

- Sherwood woodies are strong, but the blades go to mush after a little while

- No-one will ever beat the old Titan sticks

But when it comes to composite or shafts etc, havent got a clue

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I've tried a bunch of different things and found they're all a little different, so choice is good. I guess I'd stick with what has a good reputation, and if you feel the need to experiment, go for it. If the blade is too heavy, put a wood plug in the butt end and cut it flush with the shaft.

These are what I see as being commonly well-regarded:

Standard shafts:

- Bauer One90 or One95

- Easton Ultra Lite (ST)

- Warrior AK27

Standard blades:

- Bauer One95

- Warrior AK27

Tapered shafts:

- Easton Synergy 2 (SE16)

- Warrior Dolomite

Tapered blades:

- Warrior Dolomite (non-HD)

I left out the Bauer X:60 and Reebok 8k stuff because it's still pretty new, but the X:60 blades and 8k shafts seem like they'd be really solid.

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In my opinion, I think that it's great to have a lot of choices when it comes to hockey equipment; especially sticks. The competitiveness creates companies to create and employ new technologies to produce the next generation of hockey sticks. If a player buys what he/she likes, then most likely they will not only be happy with their purchase, but also have a sense of confidence in their new piece of equipment. Sure, a player might find a stick that they like, and then a review from other players gets posted stating that the stick broke in a game or two. It does not mean that your new stick will only last that long, but most likely it will not last forever. I have a friend that is on his second SE16, but not because the first one broke (it's still in tact), but rather he wanted a new stick. He plays in a few different leagues; roughly 2-3 times a week and has yet to break a stick. Once again, just my personal opinion.

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