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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Robitaille Curve

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i used to have a warrior with robitaille curve, can someone put a pic of this curve up as i cant find it online. i wanna compare it to the kovalchuk warrior now offers


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yea on the old mac daddys on hockeymonkey they list it as Robitaille/Kovalchuk as a choice. But i dont remember the robitaille stick being that deep of a curve, if anyone has a pic of a new kovalchuk please post so i can see what it looks like for sure, thanks

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Not the same:







Robitaille curves more throughout the blade while the Kovalchuk is kinked. Robitaille opens up a bit while the Kovalchuk stays closed. Kovalchuk is a bit deeper and the curve is a bit more towards the toe.

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so i guess you have used both right, do they feel similar? im currently using the draper curve and i feel like it makes my shots too high sometimes, when i use my reebok bergeron that has the curve like kovalchuk i can keep my slapshot low and hard. Draper is good for wrist shots cuz its got that lift on curve

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The profile of the Kovalchuk has changed then. Jarick, how old is that Kovy? We have a bunch of Kronik's at work with Kovalchuk's and the blade looks identical to the Robitaille you showed, with a similar curve (Kind of looks like the Robi but closed like the Kovy).

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my kovi and robi's are from '08....may be why i thought they were identical. Again, will take pictures later this evening when I am home from work. What are you looking for kpeach?

Yeah the pattern was the same when they were initially labeled as Kovalchuk. Then it changed this year..I was told by a warrior rep that it is "more like the lindros now"

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