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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing a blade in a blade/shaft combo

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a very basic question - I can't seem to get a blade out of a shaft :(

I did use quite a bit of glue + force to put it in a while back, so now it just doesn't want to come out.

with that 2 questions:

1) are there any tricks for extracting blades?

2) do I need to worry about overheating the shaft? my heatgun is pretty weak, so maybe the issue is quite opposite and I'm not heating the shaft enough, but I just don't want to burn anything you know :)

any advice would be appreciated!

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For real stubborn blades...I use the setup below, a couple "C" clamps and a $8 spreader from a hardware store.....it beats pulling my back and shoulders out of the sockets!!! LOL


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wow, thats quite the set up.

just use steady heat and patience. if you got it in (so long as you didnt jam it in there), it'll come out. using a lot of glue is actually a good thing because it will act as a lubricant.

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Hey if the "setup" is good enough for Heculese, its good enough for me.....I call it the "35 and over" setup, because those 35 years old or over will know what I mean!! LOL


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For real stubborn blades...I use the setup below, a couple "C" clamps and a $8 spreader from a hardware store.....it beats pulling my back and shoulders out of the sockets!!! LOL


Thats pretty cool.......ya learn something everyday.....

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Surprisingly I have found you can get a lot more pull by holding the stick vertically and stepping on the blade and pulling the shaft directly up. Stubborn blades with two men pulling toe to toe aren't as effective as this technique. But be warned, you may damage the blade which in most cases isn't a factor as it's usually needing to be replaced and be very careful as when it pulls out of the shaft the hosel will slap hard on the ground from the downward pressure of your foot, got slapped very hard on the ankle one of the first times I did this, hard enough that I never forget to plant my feet a little wider every time!

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Surprisingly I have found you can get a lot more pull by holding the stick vertically and stepping on the blade and pulling the shaft directly up. Stubborn blades with two men pulling toe to toe aren't as effective as this technique. But be warned, you may damage the blade which in most cases isn't a factor as it's usually needing to be replaced and be very careful as when it pulls out of the shaft the hosel will slap hard on the ground from the downward pressure of your foot, got slapped very hard on the ankle one of the first times I did this, hard enough that I never forget to plant my feet a little wider every time!

I've done the same thing horizontally with my workmate. Apply heat liberally, clamp the bench around the cold part of the shaft, pull the blade.

Whenever I tried YouTuuk's system, the clamps slipped.

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