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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shortening hockey pants?

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I bought a pair of Tackla Air 9000 pants today and I made sure to buy the "short" trim version which is 2 inches shorter than the regular length pants. They're awesome pants and well worth the money but the problem is they are just still too long even though i've got the "short" version. They overlap almost my entire knee cap, would it be possible to have these pants shortened? I don't trust any of the local tailors near me in Florida to do it, are there any tailors that specialize in hockey equipment that could shorten them for me if I sent the pants to them? What else could I do to shorten them myself?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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Northern Sports (Fixitbymail) can do it.

I actually know a guy in FL who can do it. He lives in Spring Hill however.

Does the guy in Florida have a website or do you have a phone number I can call?


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My local store said that tackla will make custom pants for you for an extra fee (he quote me $40 CDN). In my case, I wanted to add about 1 - 1 1/2 inches. You might be able to do the same thing. I think it takes about 6 weeks.

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My local store said that tackla will make custom pants for you for an extra fee (he quote me $40 CDN). In my case, I wanted to add about 1 - 1 1/2 inches. You might be able to do the same thing. I think it takes about 6 weeks.

The problem is I already have the pants, so mabye they would let me send them back and they could shorten them.

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I just called Fix It By Mail and they said they can definitely do it, turnaround time is about 10 days. They said they'll have to reconstruct the entire lower portion of the pants because the plastic pads are built into the pant legs and are not removeable.

I'm sending out the pants on Monday :D.

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