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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood Composite?

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Sportchek is having a sale, sherwood RM8 for $50.

I have researched a lot about hockey sticks but i never heard of sherwood's composites.

Does anyone know of their quality?

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If they're anything like their wood sticks - they will be top notch

sadly its not :P the rm19 was ok but the rest under it was junk

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I disagree, I really liked the RM9, at a pricepoint stick, its performance was great.

the RM8, I only used for a short time, because I didnt like the grip. But it seemed somewhat decent aswell. Again, for a pricepoint.

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If they're anything like their wood sticks - they will be top notch


PMP 5030 was legendary... whenever my shot goes, even if it's just a little bit, I switch back to a wood stick. People tend not to give them a chance because they're so much cheaper.

I think it's just because the materials and labor required to make composite sticks are more expensive.

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PMP 5030 was legendary... whenever my shot goes, even if it's just a little bit, I switch back to a wood stick. People tend not to give them a chance because they're so much cheaper.

I think it's just because the materials and labor required to make composite sticks are more expensive.

The overall cost of using wood sticks is more IMHO, even though you hear announces whining all the time that wood sticks didn't break. For the average player, a composite is much more durable. The wood goes soft and chips at a much higher rate.

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PMP 5030 was legendary... whenever my shot goes, even if it's just a little bit, I switch back to a wood stick. People tend not to give them a chance because they're so much cheaper.

I think it's just because the materials and labor required to make composite sticks are more expensive.

The overall cost of using wood sticks is more IMHO, even though you hear announces whining all the time that wood sticks didn't break. For the average player, a composite is much more durable. The wood goes soft and chips at a much higher rate.

I do agree with that, but I havent found a wood stick that doesnt have the same problems. Apart from ABS blades (Titan).

I reckon he cheapest format is shaft + blade - just replace the bit that breaks the most often.

Anyway, back to the subject - I'd be equally interested in sherwood OPS opinions - been considering it for a while...

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