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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor XV glove colour...

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I'm in the market of new glove...well i all ready know what I whant lol!

But (my question could sound dumb) I heard Bauer had some ''bookling colours''that only available in the book that hockey store get from there compagny rep...

I only found 2 store in my regions with XV glove and with only 1 colors which is the navy/white...So I would like to know if they have other colours beside this one and the four i found on this website...


I know bauer had on their website a graphic with 7 colours available but they remove it from their website...and i remerber it was the colours for the Vapor X...maybe it different for the XV

Finnally,Is there any other colors that you guy know or saw some where??

P.S:My jersey are white/blue/yellow and a bit of red...their a pic on our website (www.cobrasverdunlasalle.com)

Thanks for the info guys!

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maybe you should give peranis a call i was in there yesturday and they had many colors of the glove. I tried a glove on that was too small and it was extrealy comfy great choice on the pick

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yea good option...since peranis is in ONT and i,M in QC i did not think about it but i could give them a call...thanks

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I have the 13 inch XV's in Navy/white stripes. The glove is fantastic but I regret not picking up the 14's as the 13's are a VERY small 13.

Colours that I've seen in person or instore are.....





There may be one or two more, If anyone cares to they can add to my list without prejiduce.

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is there an all white one? i got a pair last month, and i really like them, but if theres a white pair, i'll get it for the pond hockey

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This is a little off the topic, but I was wondering if anyone else has found this with their XVs. After my game the other day, I looked at the darker navy part on the glove that goes from the pointer finger up to the XV and it had turned almost a silver color rather than the navy. I think its from moisture because the ice was really wet, but has anyone else had this come up?

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I've had mine for just over a month now and I doubt I'll see that problem as I use them for Roller only. Can we see some pics dude? Sounds really interesting.

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I apologize but I don't have a scanner or digital camera. It looks like most of the color change is gone now, just a few small spots. I think it was more of a case of steam or water getting in there, but I have no idea. It actually looked pretty cool though.

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