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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sidas (Graf) custom footbeds in Central Ohio?

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I'm trying to get back into skating/hockey but have pretty bad foot pain. I was fitted to a pair of CCM Vector 10's 2 years ago but after 5 minutes the entire bottom of my foot hurts so bad I have to take a break. It's the same type of pain from doing toe to heel calf raises. I'm fairly confident the skates fit as I literally tried on evry brand and size available a few years ago. I tried Superfeet grey with limited success.

This brings me to my problem. I read about the Sidas custom footbeds and thought these would be great. I called the big LHS in Columbus and the guy didn't know what I was talking about. He said Grafs come with Superfeet insoles. Does anyone know of any place in central Ohio/Columbus where I can have these custom insoles made?

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Duch, he's talking about the custom foot beds, not the pre-molded Graf foot beds (which are good)

You cannot custom make those foot beds at home, but have to be in a store with a staff trained to do this. I think any store that sells top of the line Graf skates should have the equipment to do so.

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Sorry epstud74, I really wasn't paying attention to the " custom " part. My apologies scott8659 I was just trying to help you out with your search.

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