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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Visor/Cage on 4500

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Okay, so I just picked up a Bauer 4500 after I tried one on and loved the fit (they are also pretty cheap). Not until I got the thing home did I realize there are no snaps for the straps on a visor or cage. Do I now have to buy a visor that attaches only at the sides or are there some adapters or some such thing that will allow me to put my Itech HLC visor on this helmet. Can't believe I didn't notice that. Must have been distracted by the sheer rapture of the fit.

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There should be snaps included with the hardware of the cage along with J clips and screws.

But the rear screw where the snap would go is also used to adjust the helmet and I'm unclear if the snap could still do that if that makes sense. I'll have to check that out.

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There should be snaps included with the hardware of the cage along with J clips and screws.

But the rear screw where the snap would go is also used to adjust the helmet and I'm unclear if the snap could still do that if that makes sense. I'll have to check that out.

The snap is just a screw with a snap head. The cross for the screwdriver is in the center of the snap's indented area.

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JCP2 is correct in that the screw also doubles as a snap.

I have previously owned this helmet before and it should come with all the hardware if you're missing any.

You can always go back to the store you it from and have them mount it for you and they'll put in all the nuts and bolts that you're missing

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As well, most LHS will sell a little kit of the snaps, bolts and nuts for a variety of helmets. Ask for a helmet repair kit. They are usually only a few bucks and a good thing to have in your bag.

But a new helmet should come with the pieces to swap out those back bolts for the snap style.

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Problem fixed. Can't believe I didn't figure that out. As a gear whore , I am totally ashamed and will use only low end retail for the next week as penance.

btw, played tonight and the 4500 is one super comfortable helmet

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