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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Helmet pinching temples

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I have a helmet (RBK 6k) and it fits very nicely on its own. However, when I have my cage attached, it seems to pinch in the sides causing some pressure on my temple. The cage (Bauer 4500) fits perfectly as it doesn't require any force to close it but it does pinch in the helmet just a bit. I've also had this happen on my 4500 helmet before but because the foam starting breaking down, the pressure went away.

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this problem and what you have done to correct it.

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My son has the same helmet (wide head). Are the J-clips at the higher or lower setting? Since the helmet tapers outwards in this area, a cage will squeeze the temples more on the higher setting as compared to the lower. Also, have you tried the RBK 5K cage? It fits pretty well and has special J-clips that tilt forward around the front a bit, avoiding this squeezing issue. Some other posters have tried widening the cage (superstrength?) but I've not had to go that route yet.

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the same thing happens with my 4K and Itech cage, the settings are correct and the pinching only happens around and hour later

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I have the J clips at a higher setting which I assume to be correct because with that setting my chin cup sits flush with my chin.

The pressure only becomes bothersome by the middle of the 2nd period and I usually take off the helmet for a few minutes between shifts to relieve the pressure.

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You can try tweaking the cage open a bit more such that it doesn't touch the J-clips until it bottoms out on them.

Do NOT remove foam from the helmet.

Otherwise you can try a different model of cage that is wider. Perhaps using a Reebok or CCM cage will fix it?

My CCM V10 with a Bauer 4000 cage is a bit snug at the temples, but it will usually go away as the memory foam over the EPP settles.

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Go ahead and widen the cage a bit by grabbing both ends at the top and pull apart slightly. I had to do this to my 4500 cage when I put it on my Bauer 9500 helmet. Fits perfectly now with no pinching of the temples.


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Go ahead and widen the cage a bit by grabbing both ends at the top and pull apart slightly. I had to do this to my 4500 cage when I put it on my Bauer 9500 helmet. Fits perfectly now with no pinching of the temples.


careful cuz it damages the structure

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I had this issue before, and took it to the shop where the cage and helmet were purchased. The guy just bent the cage out a bit, and said i was good to go. If you only bend it a little bit, i don't see any damage to the structural integrity being done.

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It is totally unnccessary to shave padding or move J clips or put up with it. Just pull the cage open a little, the difference is about a 1/8 inch, there is no way this will affect the integrity of the cage and it's protection. I am in Asia and this is a constant problem, Chinese generally have wide heads! We use the head gun on the helmet to widen it and them push the cage out, sometimes up to a 1/4 inch or more.

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It is totally unnccessary to shave padding or move J clips or put up with it. Just pull the cage open a little, the difference is about a 1/8 inch, there is no way this will affect the integrity of the cage and it's protection. I am in Asia and this is a constant problem, Chinese generally have wide heads! We use the head gun on the helmet to widen it and them push the cage out, sometimes up to a 1/4 inch or more.

Mono, would you care to explain what the head gun is? Is it a tool you use to widen the helmet/cage?


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It is totally unnccessary to shave padding or move J clips or put up with it. Just pull the cage open a little, the difference is about a 1/8 inch, there is no way this will affect the integrity of the cage and it's protection. I am in Asia and this is a constant problem, Chinese generally have wide heads! We use the head gun on the helmet to widen it and them push the cage out, sometimes up to a 1/4 inch or more.

yeah, thanks for stereotyping the entire Asian race bud, first its the eyes and now this... <_<

Merry Christmas

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LMAO, that was suppossed to be heat gun...

Aireaye, My 15 years if running a skate and hockey shop in Taipei has also taught me that they all have black hair too!

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LMAO, that was suppossed to be heat gun...

Aireaye, My 15 years if running a skate and hockey shop in Taipei has also taught me that they all have black hair too!

haha, very cool, in case you got the wrong message, I was joking :P

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