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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Advice on a new curve

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I've been using the P106 curve for a few years now, but I'm looking at switching to something else. I've been looking at switching to the PM9 curve or P89. The biggest thing I'm looking to improve is my shot accuracy.

Any advice??

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I've tried other curves that went all over the place. Generally there are a few curves that fit your shooting style therefore making you more accurate. Unfortunately, I'm not able to try out these curves to see how they stack up.

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I'd say that if anything I'm missing left of where I want it.

Maybe this will be easier. What are going to be the differences when shooting the PM9 vs. the P89?

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I'd say that if anything I'm missing left of where I want it.

Maybe this will be easier. What are going to be the differences when shooting the PM9 vs. the P89?

And you're RH or LH?

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I'd say that if anything I'm missing left of where I want it.

Maybe this will be easier. What are going to be the differences when shooting the PM9 vs. the P89?

And you're RH or LH?

Sorry about that. LH

Generally, I have a hard time getting accurate wrist shots on the right side of the net (hit the goalie instead of the corner). I'm pretty good about hitting the left side.

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If you're looking to improve your shot accuracy from the P106, then I dont think the P88 or P9 is the way to go, they have lower to lower-mid shot tendencies, wheras the P106 has mid-high. Im using a P106 and I find it to be the most accurate curve in the Bauer line.

You might want to try the P92 as it more of a pure shooter's curve and I suppose you could pick the corners with this one

Another tip (if you dont know already) is to shoot with the puck near the heel of the blade so it rolls off the toe in the follow-thru

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I'd say that if anything I'm missing left of where I want it.

Maybe this will be easier. What are going to be the differences when shooting the PM9 vs. the P89?

And you're RH or LH?

Sorry about that. LH

Generally, I have a hard time getting accurate wrist shots on the right side of the net (hit the goalie instead of the corner). I'm pretty good about hitting the left side.

It's most likely technique that is your problem if you're having problems shooting across your body but have no problems hitting the left side of the net. You're most likely going to continue having the same problems no matter what curve you change to.

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