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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor 40 vs x 60 stick

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thinking about buying a vapor 40 stick, just wondering if there was much difference between the vapor 40, and the x 60. I heared that the shaft was pretty much the same, just a different blade on the x 60, wanted to know if that was true. thanks for the help.

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I didn't like the Vapor XXXX. The X:60 has horrible feel(so did the XXXX) but shoots better than the Vapor XXXX. It's also lighter and the shaft shape is different.

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X:40 has a fiberglass/carbon mix in the shaft and the blade is the same 12k carbon as the 09 XXXX/XXV without the D.E.T. layers. (Its a foam filled blade)

X:60 is all carbon with a longer taper, monocomp construction, expanded throat and the textreme carbon blade.


I love my XXXXse but the X:60 is definitley lighter and the blade is stiffer than the 40.

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Why not compromise with the X:50? It's a XXXX with the X:60 blade.

The X:40 is not the same. The 40 does not have the dual flex that the 60 has, and it's a mixed glass/carbon composite rather then the all carbon of the X:60. Blade is different as well.

It's similar to the Vapor XXV of old in terms of build and price point. A lot of people liked that stick though, so if you decide to go with the X:40 you would probably be just fine.

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