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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Salvaging pitted Graf steel?

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I have a pair of old Graf 704's that are a half size too big that I save for outdoor skating (rink or pond). It seems that even though I dry the skates off with a towel and put them up to air out with a fan as soon as I get home, I get fairly quick formation of rough black spots along the steel. Aside from getting new steel (third party, I presume), is there a way to reverse or remove this corrosion? I'm thinking about using a vinegar soak after removing the steel from the holders. Is there any reasonable way to prevent or slow down this process in the future, aside from coating the steel in petroleum jelly between skates? :)

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I have a pair of old Graf 704's that are a half size too big that I save for outdoor skating (rink or pond). It seems that even though I dry the skates off with a towel and put them up to air out with a fan as soon as I get home, I get fairly quick formation of rough black spots along the steel. Aside from getting new steel (third party, I presume), is there a way to reverse or remove this corrosion? I'm thinking about using a vinegar soak after removing the steel from the holders. Is there any reasonable way to prevent or slow down this process in the future, aside from coating the steel in petroleum jelly between skates? :)

I had the same problem with mine, and I had my dad run them up to the store where I bought them because they were a week out of warranty and I was hoping I could get them replaced because it was so close. He took them, and the guy couldn't honor the warranty so he used a simple honing stone to get 95% of the pitting out on both skates, I couldn't believe it worked but I've skated on them since then, dried them immediately and then let them dry outside the bag, and the pitts haven't returned. Plus I stopped using soakers, whcih helps.

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