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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SE16 shaft + X:60 blade

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anyone try combo of se16 tapered shaft and x:60 composite tapered blade?? wondering if taper is the same and they fit together well without loosening problems...

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anyone try combo of se16 tapered shaft and x:60 composite tapered blade?? wondering if taper is the same and they fit together well without loosening problems...

same taper so no problems

thats not always entirely true. I just bought a Reebok 8k shaft and paired it with a dolo2 blade and had to use a strip of tape on each side of the hosel to make it fit well without coming loose. Both are tapered systems, but apparently the Reebok shaft is just a tiny bit too wide to make everything fit perfectly without adding tape. I dont mind the tape too much, the stick is performing very well for me, however if you DO mind I would definetly double check with someone using your prefered combo before pulling the trigger.

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anyone try combo of se16 tapered shaft and x:60 composite tapered blade?? wondering if taper is the same and they fit together well without loosening problems...

same taper so no problems

thats not always entirely true. I just bought a Reebok 8k shaft and paired it with a dolo2 blade and had to use a strip of tape on each side of the hosel to make it fit well without coming loose. Both are tapered systems, but apparently the Reebok shaft is just a tiny bit too wide to make everything fit perfectly without adding tape. I dont mind the tape too much, the stick is performing very well for me, however if you DO mind I would definetly double check with someone using your prefered combo before pulling the trigger.

I've a few people mentioned some problems with combos, but of all the combo's that I've thrown together, I've yet to experience a problem.

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I've been using a strip of tape pretty much since day 1 of the tapered combinations. It just seems to always be necessary to get that good, snug fit.

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anyone try combo of se16 tapered shaft and x:60 composite tapered blade?? wondering if taper is the same and they fit together well without loosening problems...

same taper so no problems

thats not always entirely true. I just bought a Reebok 8k shaft and paired it with a dolo2 blade and had to use a strip of tape on each side of the hosel to make it fit well without coming loose. Both are tapered systems, but apparently the Reebok shaft is just a tiny bit too wide to make everything fit perfectly without adding tape. I dont mind the tape too much, the stick is performing very well for me, however if you DO mind I would definetly double check with someone using your prefered combo before pulling the trigger.

I always use a piece of tape in any combo (standard or taperred) to make sure the fit is tight. I run a strip of tape along the sides with a piece hanging out, put the blade in and cut out the extra tape. Before I did this, I would always have issues with the blade comming loose.

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ok.. maybe someone can clarify this tapered business. How does the blade fit into the shaft to begin with? From my understanding the top of the tenon of the blade, atleast in my theory, appears to be wider tapering down to a smaller diameter. similar to the shaft, thus creating the fit. so my question is like the old phrase.. how do you get a circle in a square hole? OR am i way out in left field.

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ok.. maybe someone can clarify this tapered business. How does the blade fit into the shaft to begin with? From my understanding the top of the tenon of the blade, atleast in my theory, appears to be wider tapering down to a smaller diameter. similar to the shaft, thus creating the fit. so my question is like the old phrase.. how do you get a circle in a square hole? OR am i way out in left field.

Heat the shaft, it expands slightly. Insert blade, shaft will contract as it cools. Glue will act as lubricant as the blade goes in and help hold it in place when it cools.

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so it acts just like a standard shaft/blade combo? interesting..

Yes. The difference is that the shaft tapers so the tenon has to be narrower. That lowers the kickpoint on the stick so it feels much more like a OPS. For that reason too, tapered shafts and blades are almost always top end. A good tapered 2 piece will feel almost indistinguishable from a bonded OPS, which are basically tapered two pieces with a stronger glue. The dolomite is the great example here- the OPS and the two piece are exactly the same, but the OPS comes joined from the factory with a resin that has to be heated at a much higher temperature to remove the blade rather the hot glue.

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