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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazymonkey sticks

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TT and Aldila making sticks = awesome.

I am just getting back into hockey after 10+ years off, but during that time have been a full fledged golf equipment ho. I have heads and shafts coming and going out of here quite often. I was glad to see there are people just as crazy about hockey equipment. I'm desperately trying to hold off on the hockey ho'ing for a bit.

Back on topic, TT and Aldila are arguably two of the top 3 or 4 names in golf shafts (with Mitsubishi and Fujikura being the other two). TT has 95% of the steel shaft market along with a great graphite division (Grafalloy) and Aldila is top in graphite shaft counts every week on tour.

heybrady, Aldila is no longer in the hockey game. They backed out a few years back and were partnered exclusively with Mission.

TT acts as an OEM to a few brands, not putting out their own brand...yet.

I realize they don't brand the sticks as their own, but the fact that they do the manufacturing is what I was referring to. Thanks for clarifying the Aldila part though.

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Any number of the old sherwood composite sticks? You might want to be sure of that... Also, keep in mind that they (TT) only made the shafts on those sticks.

Also, the same could be said about Bauer, CCM (although TT does make 2 great retail sticks for them now, not including a comp goal stick), Reebok (TT makes a pro model stick for them), and TPS, just to name a few. Might as well call a spade a spade.

I'm not saying that they all suck, simply that some were dogs. We used to get sher-wood shafts where the composite layers would de-laminate at the butt end, like the old Vector 110s did. The eclipse and force flex were the worst if I recall correctly.

TT shafts and sticks have come a long way, much like many other manufacturers. I've seen plenty of sticks from other brands that had de-lam issues (really bad at TPS).

I had one of those Sher-Wood Eclipse OPSs that was made by True Temper, and were supposedly top-end at the time (about 5-6 years ago), and it was a complete dog, heavy, dead-feeling, very odd flex profile. Can't comment on any of the other sticks that have been made by TT.

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What does the "TT" stand for on mY old RBK 7k sickick shaft?

I believe True Temper, the manufacturer. Someone feel free to correct me.

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The name sherwood eclipse brings back some memories .. my first one piece composite stick! Spezza curve i believe, sold the shaft (blade broke) as a tapered shaft for $30 a year back .. Lot of memories with that stick, but yeah it sucked. My synergy was a far better stick.

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Stopped by Hockey Monkey today to check out these sticks, fit and finish is ok looks better on the website then in person. Looks like a mid level stick, not a high end stick. I currently have a x60, U+ (not CL version) and a Macdaddy. Felt heavier than all of them, thats not saying much because I think those 3 sticks are lighter sticks on the market. What I did notice is that the balance of the stick felt blade heavy right when I picked it up. Didn't bring one home like I thought I was going to because of the balance. Just my own personal preference, might be right for someone else. Can't say anything about performance since I didn't bring it home. But for the price, might be a nice performing stick.

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I actually just got the stick today, and i have to say, it looks and feels like a pretty decent stick... it is a little bottom heavy, but so far is great ...

They're now claiming it's only 420 grams. I really would love it if you could get an accurate weight on yours.

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They're now claiming it's only 420 grams. I really would love it if you could get an accurate weight on yours.

That seems very optimistic for the price. If it is that weight and doesnt break the first time its used, it would be a hell of a deal.

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That seems very optimistic for the price. If it is that weight and doesnt break the first time its used, it would be a hell of a deal.

I was thinking they meant 520 grams...

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Just checked out the stick at HM superstore.

I can't verify 420 grams, but it felt relatively light.

It appears to be older technology as there is a visible 'bump' at the blade/shaft fuse point.

Not sure about the blade composition as it's painted. In fact the entire stick is painted - in other words - the carbon weave isn't visible.

For $99 it might be a decent stick. But it's not a high end $200 stick being sold for $99.

Hopefully those that try it, will post impressions after use.

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Might it be a Mac Daddy/Vapor 30?

That is a possibility. I asked one of the HM sales people 'who makes it for them or where it's made'. He wasn't sure, but he thought it was made in Mexico. I forgot to check the re-check the stick for country of manufacturer.

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All right gents,

First post here! So i'll give ya my street cred. Played four year college hockey and triple AAA growing up. 27 yr old, 5'9 205. Haven't shot a slap shot in 10+ years. Above average snap and wrist shot, that is why i haven't shot a slap shot in a very long time. Above average hands etc. A decent hockey player i guess.... any way. Now i tried to do the research but no one really posted anything so i guess i was the guinny pig and im going to need 5 dollars each.

I bit the bullet and bought the Crazy Monkey 85 flex Zt40 RH. Its a cool looking stick, way bottom heavy which i didn't like but i decided i would give it a fair tryout. The first time i skated, i felt like i couldn't feel the puck on my stick and was not confortable at all. Shooting i felt like i was loosing the puck to the right alot and the lie felt a lot different then a easton zetterberg (but i could be wrong). The second time i skated it was the same thing no feel and my shots were a little off to the right. If you have never played with a high end stick by this one its a great price for a decent one piece. If you have played with high end sticks, (i was using vap XXX lite, and Synergy Elites) you will not like this stick. Spend the extra 60 bucks and get a vapor X50 or something. I'm not going to rate it on a one to 10 scale cause everyone is different in their styles and feels preferance. i will use this stick mostly for when a good ol' beer league game gets out of hand. As i said above if you are used to using high end sticks DO NOT buy this stick you will not like it. If you are a middle of the road guy its not a bad pick up for 100 dollars.


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