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The Gourmet Shot

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Yeah, they did it the same year that Pulp Fiction was in the theatres. Funny as heck, especially if you have seen the real movie first. Samuel L. Jackson quotes that semi-spiritual stuff all thru the movie just before he wastes guys.

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Pulp Fiction is an excellent movie. Jackson and John Travolta are hitmen and their dialogue alone makes the movie worth renting. I think it's Tarantino's best stuff.

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That's my friend Kyle that takes the "gourmet shot" in the nuts from Samuel L, the ESPN crew came by my school looking for hockey players for that skit. It was actually filmed in 2001 when I was a junior in high school. Couple of other guys I grew up playing with are also in it, pretty funny to see this again.

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my friends said the lines were from one of Samual L Jacksons movies or something

Man, I'm getting old...I was in college when Pulp Fiction came out and it feels like yesterday.

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Yeah, they did it the same year that Pulp Fiction was in the theatres. Funny as heck, especially if you have seen the real movie first. Samuel L. Jackson quotes that semi-spiritual stuff all thru the movie just before he wastes guys.

way off. pulp fiction was released in '94. chelly didnt play for detroit until '98, and sam jackson hosted the show in '99, '01 & '02.

and yes, pulp fiction is an amazing movie. there have been many many attempts at copying its formula, and although some have come close, nothing beats it. it revolutionized film making. even the sound track kicks ass.

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That's my friend Kyle that takes the "gourmet shot" in the nuts from Samuel L, the ESPN crew came by my school looking for hockey players for that skit. It was actually filmed in 2001 when I was a junior in high school. Couple of other guys I grew up playing with are also in it, pretty funny to see this again.

Your friend is now famous!

1994??? Now I am feeling old!

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