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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate helmet & Pond hockey

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I'm teaching my friend to hit tomorrow, and just as a safety measure, I told him to bring his Skate helmet. Is this a safe idea? I realize a hockey helmet would be better, be he doesn't have one.

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If he doesn't have a hockey helmet then obviously he isn't playing competitive contact hockey, so why does he need to learn to hit? If he wants to learn because he plans on getting into competitive contact hockey then he should buy his equipment first. Practicing hitting without full proper equipment is just asking for trouble.

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He wanted me to teach him to hit, in general as a skill to add. I told him, if we're working on hitting, you're bringing 1) Full pads, and 2) a decent helmet. I know you don't have a hockey helmet, bring the most protective helmet you have, and I'm going to have to sandbag some hits. In other words: He's going to be hitting me(who is in full gear, hockey helmet included) and i'm just gonna sandbag hits all night.

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