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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help on Romeo and Juliet

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I need to know the answer for this question from Act I...

"How are Mercutio and Tybalt foils?"

I could answer this on my own, but I don't know what foils means in that sentence. If someone wants to give me the answer to the question or even just what foils means in that sentence it would be appreciated.

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I didn't get that impression from Act I so I'll just leave the answer I put. Maybe it will seem that way later in the story...

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Doesnt one of them always want to fight? And the other one always want to fight, but never actualy does? talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk?

Or maybe it was one person always wanted to fight, and the other didnt. I think mercutio gets stabbed or something, and he still doesnt want to make a big deal out of it, he just tries to be funny by saying "tomarrow you will find me a grave man." that has a double meaning because "grave" as in, ill and "grave" as in "dead in a grave"

now iam just rambling though.

I belive it is tybal wants to fight, marcutio wants to be funny.

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Or maybe it was one person always wanted to fight, and the other didnt. I think mercutio gets stabbed or something

I belive it is tybal wants to fight, marcutio wants to be funny.

Yea that's what I put. And yes Mercutio gets stabbed and Tybalt does too.

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www.sparknotes.com It saves you from actually having to read R & J.

I know about sparknotes and I use it on occasion. My teacher is making us know some quotes for this book though so I actually have to read it. Also, he told us it was a mistake and it was supposed to be Benvolio and Tybalt. Not that any of you care... :ph34r:

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