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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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guitar effects

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Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten. You see, most blokes, you know, will be playing at ten. You're on ten here, all the way up, all the way up, all the way up, you're on ten on your guitar. Where can you go from there? Where?

-I don't know.

Nowhere. Exactly. What we do is, if we need that extra push over the cliff, you know what we do?

-Put it up to eleven.

Eleven. Exactly. One louder.

-Why don't you just make ten louder and make ten be the top number and make that a little louder?

[Pause] These go to eleven.

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Flange - Kinda weird sound....EVH used it alot in conjunction with a drill to produce some pretty sick sounds

Fuzz Box - typical distortion, fuzz sound....think Ramones

Tremolo - sounds like you are continously using a term. arm over and over

Wah Pedal - Think Kirk Hammet solos with huge dips and dive in the tones, also Jimi Hendrix stuff

Delay - self explanitory

Tons more but those are the pretty basic ones....if you plan on buying some be prepared to fork out huge cash. They aren't cheap, but they are worth it IMHO.

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PC sound cards like the SoundBlaster series can do basic effects if you just want to muck around. If you want to perform or jam without lugging around a PC, you could try one of those effects processors that have the more popular effects all rolled up into one package, like the POD XT by Line 6:


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Anyone remember the Marshall's that went to 20? I think they were built about 10-12 years ago.

Think those were the JCM900 series. Sounded like crap mostly but then I haven't liked much of anything they released in the last 20 years other then some of the re-issue stuff. The new 2000's are just buzz factories ala the Mesa Triple Rect. series.

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I had a Dual Recto for a while. It was hard to make it sound a bit different. I used the Vintage distortion, el34s and the tube rectifier and it helped.

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A wa-wa pedal will give you a sweet sound, and if you are willing to spend the money, snag a cry baby. On one Hendrix song he uses it and the pedal sounds unbelievable, but that was Hendrix...

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Wahs are cool, but IMHO useless unless you have a flanger or fuzz or stero chrous with them. You gotta have a decent amp and guitar to run them through too, or else they sound pretty much like dirt; and you have to know how to use them properly, mosta people can't do it.

Chadd, gotta love the JCM900; only for the 20 knob tho. Like Jay said they had a cruddy sound. Personally I think Mesa Boogie makes the best amps. Period. Marshalls just sound to general now, everyone uses them. Their tube amps are ok though, although still general sounding.

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Mesa amps are terrible. For the money there are SOOOOO much better options out there but the name recognition is what sells. If you're really into the heavily saturated distortion sounds look into a Soldano, Engl, Diesel, Cornford... anything but a Mesa really, unless you're willing to go back to the old MkIII days... IMO the last of the great Mesa designs.

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Mesa amps are terrible.  For the money there are SOOOOO much better options out there but the name recognition is what sells.  If you're really into the heavily saturated distortion sounds look into a Soldano, Engl, Diesel, Cornford... anything but a Mesa really, unless you're willing to go back to the old MkIII days... IMO the last of the great Mesa designs.

The Mesas are very well built, at least mine was. I had one of the first year Dual Rectos, I don't know if they changed much as I haven't kept up. The big problem is you have to go to great lengths to make it sound like something different from everyone else who uses one. I liked my V-Twin as well, it worked very well as a simple pre-amp for open mic nights and studio sessions.

Now I have a 40 year old Tarynor tube combo and a couple of stomp boxes. Much easier to carry than that damn 4x12 in a road case.

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My Mesa is amazing. I also have a first year Dual Recto, well bilt, and I love the sound. I can play anything from Tom Petty to Metallica on it and it sounds great. Mind you with the right effect pedals I can make a Squier sound like a top end Fender (not that Fenders are that great :ph34r:. Personally I hate them). Its all how you set and use the amp and the acoustics where you play.

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Dual Recto's aren't that versatile without making major changes. Something you can't do at a gig between songs.

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I used a few but I never liked the tone of any of the amp simulators. The problem with using stomp boxes is all of the noise they create. I only had two or three and I used a noise gate. because the excess noise drove ne nuts.

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I have a Line 6 Flextone III I bought last winter. It's a great practice amp. It does a reasonably good job of simulating what many of the real counterparts sound like (except for the Plexi Superlead... not even close) but I would never use one in a live situation. It gets tinny when turned up an it's very underpowered.

Pedals don't give me noise problems but I don't use them very often either. I have a dual overdrive, fuzz, tremolo, wah, delay, and chorus pedal and no noise problems with anything but the fuzz really and I only used that for one short part of one song at the time. Using George L's cable throughout helped to cut out on some of the signal loss as well.

As for the Mesa it just pains me all the people that use those things. It spits out the exacpt same hollow buzzing no matter who's playing through one and with any guitar. Where's the fun in that?

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It spits out the exacpt same hollow buzzing no matter who's playing through one and with any guitar. Where's the fun in that?

Sounds like my complaint about EMGs.

I only use a da-echo delay, Vox wah and a bi-fet preamp pedal for a boost. Most of my other stuff hasn't been used since I worked for my buddy's studio. I used to loan my stuff to people all the time.

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