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Recommendations for a deep fitting shin pad.

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I'm currently using nike bauer pro lightspeed shin pads, they are nice, but my knees and shins do not sit very deep inside them. Any good recommendations for a deeper fitting shin? What is a commonly used shin pad in the NHL? Thanks Guys.

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I see a lot of JOFA/RBK shinpads in the NHL.

Personally I use and have been happy with the JOFA/RBK 9K (never tried the Bauer's so can't really tell you if they are deeper).

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I used 6K's and they were great. The thing I like about the NBH ones are they break in nicely. The knee isn't overly deep, but the shin part is fairly deep. Are they new or have you been using them for a while?

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  krimsanavenger said:
I'm currently using nike bauer pro lightspeed shin pads, they are nice, but my knees and shins do not sit very deep inside them. Any good recommendations for a deeper fitting shin? What is a commonly used shin pad in the NHL? Thanks Guys.
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i agree. i bought some NBH one90's last year and returned them b/c I felt like they stuck out way too far for my liking.

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  NYRSinceBirth said:
I used 6K's and they were great. The thing I like about the NBH ones are they break in nicely. The knee isn't overly deep, but the shin part is fairly deep. Are they new or have you been using them for a while?
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I have been using them for over 1 year. I figured they would break in over time and feel deeper, but no luck so far.

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I had issues with Bauer shinguards being too narrow and shallow for my legs. I now use CCM V08s and they fit much, much better over my tree trunk legs. They don't stick out too much and the cross strapping holds them in tight as well.

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I have been using the Pros Series Bauer shin pads, but I have noticed lately if I end up on my legs or even down to one knee the pads rotate making it even more difficult to jump back up quickly. I think it is possibly a depth issue. Curious if anyone has any opinions on this. I use the Reebok socks which compress the pad and also tape my pads. But, every time I drop down the rotate out. Is there another pad that offers a deeper fit?

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After a pretty bad knee injury caused by Bauer one90 shin guards (yeah, that hard honeycomb stuff inside, and the rotating-nature of the pad), I'll never go back.

I use the RBK 11K now. I find them really deep and anatomical. They're a tank of a shin pad for playing defense and blocking shots, but I find them a bit wide/bulky/heavy for playing forward.

I'd rather have a bulkier, protective shin pad than risk injuring my knee worse, or over again.

I think I saw a claim on Reeboks' website that ~99% of NHL players use their shin guards...

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I think I answered my own question. When the pads sit flush to my shins, my knee cap is an inch away from the cap. Also I measured from the top of my skate to the center of my knee cap and it is 16 inches, not 17. So this was getting in the way and causing issues.

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The ccm u+ pro are a deep fitting pad as well. I have the RBI 11k now and they are tanks, but they are pretty light. The knee donut locks really well which seems to limit the pad rotation when you go down. I'm 6'8" 260 and don't get close to bottoming out on these.

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  On 1/26/2010 at 4:16 PM, krimsanavenger said:

I'm currently using nike bauer pro lightspeed shin pads, they are nice, but my knees and shins do not sit very deep inside them. Any good recommendations for a deeper fitting shin? What is a commonly used shin pad in the NHL? Thanks Guys.

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Get the Bauer Pro Stock or the RBK/Jofa high end stuff. You will like the way if feels.

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  On 2/18/2012 at 7:34 AM, skyscrape said:

I think I answered my own question. When the pads sit flush to my shins, my knee cap is an inch away from the cap. Also I measured from the top of my skate to the center of my knee cap and it is 16 inches, not 17. So this was getting in the way and causing issues.

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Yeah, the rotation is usually due to a pad that is too long, or a pad that isn't anatomical. If there isn't a good knee "lock", then it will tend to rotate.

If a pad is too long, it might catch at the top of the skate boot when you fall. This catching, combined with your normal body movement contributes to the rotation of the pad.

For me, the catching seems to be worse when I wear my shin pad over top of my tongues. Wearing my shin pads under my tongues results in less rotation, going down an inch in shin pad length, but I'm not a huge fan of the feeling.

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I will be heading to a shop that carries most if not all the brands on Wednesday, so I will be trying out some 16's instead of 17's. Should fix the problem. My old mid level eastons were 16's and now that I think about it I never had a rotational problem with them.


would wear them under the tongue, but my APX don't really allow it. The tongue is really short and stiff. Plus it would definitely change how tight the heel lock is.

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