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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jim Bob

Train Like a Pro's Functional Training Kit

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Functional Training Kit $269.00

ON SALE!!! $209.00 (CND)

This is a great time to order our Sport Specific Training Manuals. In-season training is very important and we take great pride in designing customized programs for all aspiring athletes.

You can have your own sport specific training manual, stability ball, agility ladder and resistance bands for the outstanding value of $269 $209 (CND).

Detailed exercise pictures and descriptions, nutrition plans, and drills for improving speed, power, strength, core strength, first step quickness and much more are included.

Strength and conditioning is growing in popularity at an alarming rate due to the tremendous effects it has on performance.

I bought this to get myself into hockey shape this offseason.

First, let me say that I'd suggest that you skip buying this package and instead just buy the T.L.A.P. Specialized Training Manual for $99.00 (CAD).

I already had a stability ball and I've yet to use any of the other stuff that came in the kit.

As far as the training manual goes, I love it.

I've had to adapt a lot of the exercises because I don't have the space or all of the equipment to do some of the exercises, but the program I've used has gotten me into probably the best hockey shape of my life. And I've only gotten through about 55 to 65% of the program as it is set up as an off-season program and I bought it late in the off-season.

Some random thoughts for those that are looking into a workout program like this:

1) If you are going to use this program at a gym, make sure they have stuff like stability balls, plyo boxes, medicine balls and plenty of room to do stuff like long jumps and medicine ball throws.

2) You can do a lot of the stuff at home. You just have to buy some equipment and modify some of the stuff. For example, I've been using a Bowflex, a Weider dumbbell/barbell set, a stationary bike, a stability ball, a medicine ball sort of free weight dumbbell, and a cooler (for my plyo box). And the only thing I bought on top of the program was the weight set that cost me less than $100 (us) at Sears. The rest of the stuff I already had in my basement.

All in all, I have to give the program a thumbs up. With this workout schedule and my wife and I going on the South Beach Diet, I've lost almost 20 lbs and felt absolutely great in my first game of the year on Thursday.

My legs felt like they were in mid-season form even though I hadn't been on the ice since my season ended last year.

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Its funny you mention this. I went to the train like a pro gym last summer. Its very good and part owned by Adam Foote. The oshawa generals go there also. Its nice because all the things are hockey related.

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