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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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supreme 100 skates vs vapor x:60 skates

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i know that supreme 100 are not released yet, but i saw few of you been using them

so im thinking about getting new skates for next season.

i would really appreciate if you guys give me your comments about supreme 100 and vapor x:60


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Welcome to the board.

Your best bet is to wait until the one100's are released and go somewhere and try them on. They both fit differently and one will work better than the other. Another brand may work even better, you never know.

BTW, the ones you have seen on here are the totalONE's, which are different from the one100's.

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No matter how long you wait- they're going to fit very differently. If you have a supreme style foot, you probably won't even fit into the vapor.

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From what I read the 100 is the one95 with a new tounge, so go try on the 95 and see how that works for you, and then if you want the new tounge and the fanzy gold heel, wait for the 100

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well, I've been using vapor till now and I like how they fit, but I been hearing that supreme series are lighter

do they fit really different ?

yes they do!

just search - it's been discussed multiple times here already!

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