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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Video editing/compiling software

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I am looking to "compile" my own power hour video. What software out there is easy to use? The idea is then after compiling the video, to burn it to DVD.

What I need/want this program to do is:

-Rip from DVD's and media files

-Be able to make one big compatible file that will play in any standard DVD player.

Any insight is appreciated, thanks in advance.


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I thought I was the only hockey playing editor you have a lot of different options here

DVD Ripping I would Go with MAGIC DVD Ripper it gives you 3 free uses the trick is don't close the program until your completely done so you don't have to pay.

For your DVD authoring (making) some computers will come with Sonic DVD maker but im pretty sure any newer windows PC you should have a DVD making program worst comes the worse go with Sony DVD Architect I use all Sony the problem is I get it through school and don't have t pay the outrageous prices but like MAGIC DVD you can also get all the functional trials at SonyCreative.com PM me if you get stuck

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My GF is looking for a program that she can work on her PC laptop at home but will export an .MOV file to use at work (Mac).

Any thoughts or recommendations?

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I use Power Producer and Power Director for all of my video editing needs. Just drag and drop. Very easy to use with lots of out put options.

That appears to do everything she would need it to do, and it is very reasonably priced. Now, question is...this is the laptop her family just bought her:


I'm not up on where all the AMD processors fall in the order of best/worst.

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That appears to do everything she would need it to do, and it is very reasonably priced. Now, question is...this is the laptop her family just bought her:


I'm not up on where all the AMD processors fall in the order of best/worst.

That is middle of the road processor. You'll find higher end models with AMD's Phenom II triple core and quad core processors in them. You may want to consider getting a faster model if she is going to be doing a decent amount of video work on it.

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