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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Urgent Help (WAS) Needed - TrueType-Font

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I am in serious need for some help here: For my final exams (law studies) I have to write an 80 pages legal opinion. In the past, I've always used a certain typeface for my PC-written opinions and now I can't find it on my PC anymore.

Does anybody have the typeface NIMROD on his/her PC?

If you have a second, please open your MS Word (or whatever) and search the list of typefaces for the Nimrod one. If you have it, please PM or email me! (I'll assist you on how to find the file on your HD that contains the Nimrod typeface, it's very small).

Thanks a ton in advance!


p.s. It would be even better if the Nimrod typeface was a newer version that already contains the Euro symbol. To check if your has the Euro symbol, just keep the right "ALT" key (on the right of your spacebar) pushed and hit the "E" key. You should get this: €

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Have you tried online. I know I've downloaded font packages in the past...you have to pay for it, but www.fonts.com has it.

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Thank you very very much, flashgordon! Everything has worked well and I can again rely on my favorite font.

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