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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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JR Boucicaut

2010 Reebok Goal Catalogue

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What can you do but admire Lefebvre's work?

I'm really impressed with the level of detail in this catalogue. The insight into how the gloves in particular are evolving, the shape of the internals. the offsets and angles at which they're attached - great stuff. It's an incredibly helpful resource not only to sell Reebok gear, but to explain goalie equipment generally to people.

I do find it interesting that for the first time in a long time, Reebok has two distinct goal lines: the Revokes with a two-piece cuff on the glove, a refined blocker, and a pad with deeper leg/boot channels, a calf-lock (the 'wing-wrap) and knee/thigh breaks in the vertical roll; and the Premiers with a one-piece glove-cuff, a more traditional Lefebvre blocker, and a stiffer pad (vertically speaking) with shallow leg/boot. This was present to an extent last year, but it wasn't quite so clearly differentiated nor so well explained.

I'm almost 100% that my next pair of pads will be Reeboks, and I'm beginning to come around the gloves despite my TPS addiction. What I really need to do is borrow a set from somebody for a while to get a better feel for it; they really are unique in the market.

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i just picked up a 7k blocker, and while it's a bit of a price point item, i really do like it quite a bit.

it is very similar to my koho 590, which i thought was an excellent blocker.

i looked pretty hard at the glove, too... but it didn't feel quite padded enough in the finger areas, but i assume that the higher-end model offers a bit more protection.

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The only other thing I wish they'd included is the full Revoke Pro Zone customisation guide. The only place that has them posted as pictures is Greatskate; otherwise, you need to go through the online customisers (Flash, ugh) and keep clicking on the Help tags to see how each feature works.

Not many people have ever actually opened up a Premier Series pad to see what the guts look like, and it's good stuff to know.

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