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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Help...!

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Hey all, I just broke a stick and am looking to get one of those two sticks. I have a problem though, I need the stick relatively fast and I know that the one95s are very durable. I'm willing to pay 200 dollars but don't want to pay that wait the time for custom and have it break. If I am looking for a stick quick would I be better off getting the warrior dolomite dd? I have used warrior for a year or so and really like them just durability of the HD blade was ehh... How is the Durability on the DD? Thanks

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Ya and I could Get my dolomite DD quicker than a custom stick i'm sure? I want to try the kovalchuk curve... would that be too much going from a lie 5 to a 4?

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Yes But the local shops have only 87 senior. Im at a akward weight I whip 70 but my 85 dolomite is too much. I can only find a 77 on My bauer id with the curve I want =(. how long is custom 5-8 weeks?

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What curve are you looking for? Hockey Monkey has some 77s in stock, Hockey Giant has several patterns in 77 flex and I'm sure you can find another here or there if you search.

I guess, I'm just saying, if you want a One95, do some searching I'm sure you can find what you want without having to wait weeks for a custom order.

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I don't know, but Warrior Dolomite's weigh like more than half a kilogram, those are heavy suckers.

They are however durable.

The Double D's aren't heavy at all, I have a couple Chris Bourque Pro Stocks.

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Dolo's aren't the lightest stick, but since when has 445grams been considered heavy?

well Hradsky's no. 1 concern in a stick is how light it is from the posts he's posted

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If the stick is well balanced, it will feel lighter than a stick that is blade heavy even if the balanced one is heavier overall. I have never used a dolo before, but 445 is by no means heavy.

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