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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bent LS2 runners.

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On my pro-stock one95's, the one runner is bent at the front and the other one bent in the middle. Anyone know of a place that can straighten bent runners? Or do I need new ones?

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On my pro-stock one95's, the one runner is bent at the front and the other one bent in the middle. Anyone know of a place that can straighten bent runners? Or do I need new ones?

I'd get Step Steel if I were you. A perfect combination for custom One95s and FBV for me.

If you want to go the fix route, I guess any one would refer you to a LHS. It'd be more helpful for forum members to refer you to one if you specified the area you live in

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The bent, like some of the more experienced on this forum said in a different thread, could be from the holder being mounted a bit off from the first riveting. Your LHS could fix this by putting new rivets in.

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I live up in canada. Where abouts online can you buy step steel from? I thought the rivet thing was only for steel that was bent in the middle. But I will get them to check it out. Thanks.

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Well I know the one that it bent at the front, I took a slap shot to it. Not sure if thats enough to bend it or not. I thought being pro-stocks they would of taken a little extra care to the holders possibly being mounted a bit off.

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Just go to your LHS and have them look at it. You have alot of good ones in your area. Pro-stock means nothing.

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Just go to your LHS and have them look at it. You have alot of good ones in your area. Pro-stock means nothing.

You must have me confused with someone else. I have 1 lhs besides sport check/mart, cdn tire. They don't have much.

Is there a way to check the holder with out pulling the rivets?

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You must have me confused with someone else. I have 1 lhs besides sport check/mart, cdn tire. They don't have much.

Is there a way to check the holder with out pulling the rivets?

Where do you live where there is a cdn tire and a sportchek, but no good hockey shop?

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Northern BC. The lhs has maybe 10 mens ops sticks in. Everything high end is order only pretty much. This all in a town of 75K. Not sure what kind of money a place like that makes. But this town could use another one.

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Where do you live where there is a cdn tire and a sportchek, but no good hockey shop?

Really, this is shocking to you? I know Canada is full of hockey shops, but its more full of Canadian tires and Sportchek's lol

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You can try straigtening the steel but it is most likely the holder being mounted incorrectly. This is why Graf is smart enough to put a few sloted areas on the holders so they are easier to adjust if they need to be. If you do have them remounted make sure whoever does it keeps the steel in the holder while they are doing it. I can't even begin to tell you how many skates I have had to fix because the holders were put on without the steel in them (the holder is much easier to bend that way and more likely to be mounted curved).

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