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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X60 Footbeds

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If you need a pair, I'll bet there are many people here that have unused pairs after they immediately replaced the with Superfeet or something similiar. I have one95 footbeds for 9ee if you want them.

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Bauer actually recently started selling them at the retail level. I've been looking for them since the X60 came out, and finally last month my LHS got some in stock.

You're best bet is to just look around your local shops.

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I bought a pair of x60's after christmas and the guy at my LHS told me you couldn't purchase those seperate if they were lost.

Maybe they started due to demand. Good Luck.

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I dunno, I still use my one95 footbeds after two years. I don't really see how the carbon on the footbed can help my stride or game at all, but if a you think it can then go for it. Does the X:60 not have a anti grip coating and a cushion under the heel? Might be a comfort thing, everyone's feet are different.

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I just took the footbeds out of my X60 LE's and put my Superfeet in. The footbed looked cool from the top view but, again, it's just a piece of foam. I like that they put the grip on the heel cup and in the toe area but really no technology at all.

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