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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2.1 steel and change?

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i have one95s and want to try my regular ls2 steel instead of the 2.1... Can this be done without swapping out the holder, or no?.. also has anyone gone from the 2.1 to the regular ls2? Pros? Cons?


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Yes and the difference is that the 2.1's have a 11' radius and the LS2's have a 9'. Have only skated on the 9' so I couldn't tell you the difference although theoretically the 11' will give you more straight ahead speed and the 9' will make it easier to turn.

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Sorry to bring up an old topic but I didn't think I needed to start a new one.

Can I do the reverse of what the OP did? Meaning, can I put 2.1 steel into a regular LS2 holder?

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Yes, there is no specific 'LS2.1' holder. The LS2 and LS2.1 steel are both made to fit in the LS2 holder.

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