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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shock doctor power dry bag safe for skates?

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Does anyone with experience know if the SD power dry bag is completely safe for use with thermoformable skates? I assume that it is, but it seems risky to blow heated air over your skates, repeatedly, for approx 3 hours at a time.

Also, I searched and found threads on the bag from years back, but no one really commented on how well the bag works. I'm sure it's not going to keep gear like new forever, but do those who use it think it's worth the price?


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There are a couple threads on here about the bag I have commented on. Here is the condensed version of my thoughts on it. I have an older model (not the new center chamber one) with the standard blower.

It does technically work.

The bag is cumbersome at best . I leave the SD at home and use a carry bag for games.

It's no faster than setting your gear in front of a box fan. You have to re-set the blower timer. 3 hours is not enough. If your forget to re-set, your gear still stinks when you remember to check it.

The ozone does seem to help keep stick at bay - your gear doesn't smell new, but it helps from a build-up of stink.

The air coming out of the bag doesn't smell good, it will stink up a room.

The bag may work differently depending where you use it (temp/humidity). I got better results in an extra bedroom than I do in a basement.

So is it worth the price?

If you don't have a place to set you gear up to air out, then it's a helpful solution. Though in my experience, you still can't leave your gear zipped up in this bag, it has to come out after drying, or at least open the bag. The SD bag is okay, but there are cheaper ways of getting it done.

I don't think the heat is high enough to worry about your heat moldable skates.

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There are a couple threads on here about the bag I have commented on. Here is the condensed version of my thoughts on it. I have an older model (not the new center chamber one) with the standard blower.

It does technically work.

The bag is cumbersome at best . I leave the SD at home and use a carry bag for games.

It's no faster than setting your gear in front of a box fan. You have to re-set the blower timer. 3 hours is not enough. If your forget to re-set, your gear still stinks when you remember to check it.

The ozone does seem to help keep stick at bay - your gear doesn't smell new, but it helps from a build-up of stink.

The air coming out of the bag doesn't smell good, it will stink up a room.

The bag may work differently depending where you use it (temp/humidity). I got better results in an extra bedroom than I do in a basement.

So is it worth the price?

If you don't have a place to set you gear up to air out, then it's a helpful solution. Though in my experience, you still can't leave your gear zipped up in this bag, it has to come out after drying, or at least open the bag. The SD bag is okay, but there are cheaper ways of getting it done.

I don't think the heat is high enough to worry about your heat moldable skates.

I place my skates outside the bag with the tops, or the tongue and tendon guards, leaning against the exhuast port. The hot air gets at the skates and helps drying time. Then when the gear is done I do an hour with just air (no heat) to finish the skates. It works well enough.

If I want to put the skates in the bag with heat I place the skates in the middle of the bag, not directly at the point where the hot air is pushed into the bag by the heater/blower unit.

works okay.

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I found it got the skates way too hot for me to be comfortable

so I put them all the way at the end of the row with the fan, and it dries them well but does not get them hot at all

I put the gloves closest to the fan, and the rest remains the same

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I used one for about a year and had no damage to my gear at all, and I believe I put the skates first or second next to the gloves.


- got the gear dry and warm

- gear didn't smell if I used it right away

- sections inside the bag meant packing and unpacking was quick and I never forgot anything


- never got the gear fully dry with one cycle, so it took six hours

- was incredibly heavy and cumbersome

- fan blew the smell around the entire basement while drying

If you do want to pick one up, I'd get one of the newer models that has the center channel. This should dry out the gear better than the old ones. And I'd also recommend a smaller, lighter bag to bring gear to and from the games and leave the SD at home.

BUT, I ended up getting a $20 wire rack shelf at a hardware store, and now I put my gear out to dry when I get home, spray it with a little alcohol/water or febreeze sport, and none of my gear smells much. I live in a loft apartment and the gear stays right in the living room, so if there was any smell the woman would definitely let me know. And if I need to dry it out quicker, I put a fan in front of it and take the liners out of the shin pads, dry in a few hours. Plus it only takes a couple minutes to pack/unpack the gear.

Just a heads up. Matter of fact, I should write a review on it if I haven't already...

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I've only used the bag once. It was too bulky. However, the glove drying adaptor I use after every game and it really lengthens the time before the glove stink kicks in. It only takes about 30 minutes and the gloves are dry. Regarding using it with skates, I put my KORs on it a few times and they were OK. If you're worried, you can always just turn the heat off. I haven't tried it with my X:60s yet. Usually I just take the insoles out and let them dry outside the bag and they are dry within a few hours anyway.

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