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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Width Question

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What is closer to an 8.5D in CCM U+ Pro Reloaded Skates:




Since the longer boot (9D) gets bigger as it lengthens anyways, it sort of gets wider at the same time as it gets longer right? So the 9D would be wider than a 8.5D logically .

So would an 8.5E (Good length) be better than a 9D? Someone said an E is not so different from a D, and with the great U-foam maybe it won't be very noticeable yes?

Anyways, I want some more opinions before I make my final choice.


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What is closer to an 8.5D in CCM U+ Pro Reloaded Skates:




Since the longer boot (9D) gets bigger as it lengthens anyways, it sort of gets wider at the same time as it gets longer right? So the 9D would be wider than a 8.5D logically .

So would an 8.5E (Good length) be better than a 9D? Someone said an E is not so different from a D, and with the great U-foam maybe it won't be very noticeable yes?

Anyways, I want some more opinions before I make my final choice.


I found that ccm E width is still very narrow. Tough call on whether or not to go for it.

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I found that ccm E width is still very narrow. Tough call on whether or not to go for it.

Really? You must have some pretty wide feet.

But to answer the OP question I really don't think you could tell unless you tried them on, it would probably save you a lot of time and money. And if you can't try on that particular skate, maybe try the u+ 09 or 07 for sizing.

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Well they should fit similarly right? I think I might go with the 8.5Es...At least I know they're perfect length-wise and width will hopefully be mouldable. But hey, you never know...They may fit perfect :)

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After trying on a pair of old CCM Tacks 9D I'm going to most likely go with the 9Ds...Unless someone persuades me otherwise.

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