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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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An open PM9

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I'm an avid PM9 pattern user... just wondering if there is something similar with a more open blade but still having lie5


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I used to use the PM9 but now I'm using the Frolov curve, basically a lie 5, open heel curve. That's as close to what I've seen to an open PM9

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It's a little deeper but about as close as you will find.

+1, also the same as TPS P27 if you ever find one of those.

P27, Vanek, Darby, etc.. are all a bit more of a mid than a PM9 and slightly higher in lie.

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*thread hijack*

does anyone know what the equivalent of the TPS afinogenov retail curve? someone said zetterberg but it didnt quite look the same.

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*thread hijack*

does anyone know what the equivalent of the TPS afinogenov retail curve? someone said zetterberg but it didnt quite look the same.

Well, the lie is supposedly the same, according to the pattern DB, but the afinogenov is a deep mid, where the zetterburg is a much shallower mid/heel.

I'm very interested in seeing the new Easton Chara retail curve. Its supposed to be lie 5, I think, and as long at it hasn't got a big rocker on it, I'd like to give it a whirl.

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I'm very interested in seeing the new Easton Chara retail curve. Its supposed to be lie 5, I think, and as long at it hasn't got a big rocker on it, I'd like to give it a whirl.

its heatley with a round toe.

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its heatley with a round toe.

That's a good starting point. But I was under the impression that it had a significantly longer blade than the Heatley?

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